Carbon atoms have unique bonding properties.


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Presentation transcript:

Carbon atoms have unique bonding properties. Carbon forms covalent bonds with up to four other atoms, including other carbon atoms. Carbon-based molecules have three general types of structures. straight chain branched chain ring

Many carbon-based molecules are made of many small subunits bonded together. Monomers are the individual subunits. Polymers are made of many monomers.

Carbohydrates Storage of chemical energy Monosaccharides: triose, tetrose, pentose, hexose, heptoses, etc. Oligosaccharides: small sugar chains covalently attached to lipids and proteins to to form glycolipids and glycoproteins Polysaccharides: glycogen, starch, cellulose, etc.

Many contain carbon chains called fatty acids. Lipids are nonpolar molecules that include fats, oils, and cholesterol. Many contain carbon chains called fatty acids. Fats and oils contain fatty acids bonded to glycerol. Triglyceride

Lipids have several different functions. broken down as a source of energy make up cell membranes used to make hormones

Fats and oils have different types of fatty acids. saturated fatty acids unsaturated fatty acids

Proteins Proteins are molecular tools and machines, which carry out virtually all of a cell’s activities. Proteins exhibit a high degree of specificity, which allows proteins to interact selectively with other molecules. Enzymes Structural cables Hormones, growth factors, gene activators Membrane receptors and transporters Contractile filaments and molecular motors Many others: antibodies, toxins, etc.

Proteins are polymers of amino acid monomers. Twenty different amino acids are used to build proteins in organisms.

Proteins are polymers of amino acid monomers. Twenty different amino acids are used to build proteins in organisms. Amino acids differ in side groups, or R groups.

Proteins are polymers of amino acid monomers. Twenty different amino acids are used to build proteins in organisms. Amino acids differ in side groups, or R groups. Amino acids are linked by peptide bonds.

Proteins differ in the number and order of amino acids. Amino acids interact to give a protein its shape. hydrogen bond Hemoglobin Incorrect amino acids change a protein’s structure and function.

Nucleic Acid Nucleic acids are long linear polymers of nucleotides. They function primarily in the storage and transmission of genetic information, but they may also have structural or catalytic roles. DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid, genetic materials RNA: ribonucleic acid message RNA (mRNA) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transfer RNA (tRNA) RNA functions in transmission of genetic information from DNA to protein, but it may also carry genetic information such as in viruses.