The search for meaning F Power
Aim To explore the meaning of life
Key ideas Search: the deep human need to find meaning in life. Meaning: to find or to have a sense of purpose in life. Meaninglessness: failing to find meaning or purpose in life.
What do you think…. Can you think of any stories that have made you think ‘Gawd, that have to have happened for a reason.’ or ‘Someone up there must be looking out for me’
What makes life meaningful for you Friendship Family Going out at weekends….. Music Religion Education Sport Politics Voluntary activities Work
Q Do things happen by chance or can they be explained by religion?
My wish list All I want is….. To have a boyfriend/girlfriend. To get that iPhone. To have nice hair. To win the match. To do well in the exams. To be allowed to go to… To live somewhere else. To be friends with them again. To have a boyfriend/girlfriend. To finish school. For them to get back together again. To be picked for the team. To buy the things that I want. For people to like me. For him/her to get better
Your Life All people have a basic human need to have a sense of MEANING in their lives. In the SEARCH for meaning in one’s life, people must ask themselves the key QUESTION, ‘What matters?’ i.e. ‘What do I consider to be most important in life?’
Answer the following What are your three deepest short-term wishes (within the next five years)? (i) (ii) (iii)
What are your deepest long-term wishes for your entire life? (ii) (iii)
Summarise what matters in your life
Q What do people long for most? How might it make them happy? Discuss What do people long for most? How might it make them happy? 3. What happens when people get what they want 4. Have you ever really longed for something? Explain…….
The search for meaning in music Pink: ‘Family Portrait’ According to the song, what effect has this experience of family life on the child? Whose point of view is represented in this song? What experience is being described? Music also celebrates the power of relationships and their influence in our lives.
And this I come home to this is my shelter It ain't easy, growin' up in World War III Never knowin' what love could be You'll see, I don't want love to destroy me Like it has done my family Mama please stop cryin‘ I can't stand the sound Your pain is painful And it's tearin' me down I hear glasses breakin‘ As I sit up in my bed I told Dad you didn't mean Those nasty things you said You fight about money'Bout me and my brother Copied from
Groupwork Compile a TOP TEN chart list. Note the name and meaning of each song. Time:10mins
U2, ‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for’ I have run, I have crawled I have scaled these city walls These city walls Only to be with you But I still haven't found What I'm looking for But I still haven't found What I'm looking for
Task Choose one or more songs that you think express something important about relationships or any aspect of the search for meaning. In relation to each one: What is the song about? Pick one image/line that you think is particularly effective and explain your choice. Does the artist suggest any answer/solution to the issue(s) raised? Explain?
Dear Momma 2Pac Smells like teen spirit Nirvana
“Poem from a Three Year Old” Brendan Kennelly How many questions are asked by the three year old? What are the questions about? Which of these questions are about the meaning of life? What questions of meaning do small children ask? What questions of meaning do teenagers ask? What questions of meaning do adults ask?
Aim To explore questions of meaning in youth culture.
Task 1 In you r group discuss and answer the following: Name two recently released films that members of your group have seen. In each case, say briefly what the film is about. What questions of meaning are raised in each film? What answers does each film give to these questions of meaning?
Homework Type/write 100 word reflection about the meaning of sport/hobby of your choice….
Task 2 Discuss and answer the following: Name two songs from this week’s Charts? In each case, say briefly what the song is about. What questions of meaning are raised in each song? What answers does each song give to these questions of meaning?
Task 3 In your group discuss and answer the following: Name two programmes that members of you group have watched recently on t.v.? In each case, say briefly what the programme is about. What questions of meaning are raised in each programme? What answers does each programme give to these questions of meaning?
Task 4 In your group discuss and answer the following: Name two magazines/books that members of you group have read recently ? In each case, say briefly what the magazine/book is about. What questions of meaning are raised in each magazine/book? What answers does each magazine/book give to these questions of meaning?
Task sheet Which questions do you ask very often? Which questions do you really ask? Choose two questions from the list that you think are vey difficult to answer? Give a reason for your choice. What do you think are the two most important questions to try and answer? Give a reason for your answer.
Humanism Some people do not believe in God and do not belong to any community of faith. They do not look to religion or religious beliefs to give meaning to their lives. They make sense of life through the power of human reason. Such people are called Humanists. Their belief system is called Humanism. Humanists do not believe in God/Gods. They believe that life on earth is the only reality-no heaven/hell.
Meaning in sport Has sport changed your life in any way?
Suggestions… Soccer-interest/engaging/co- operation/communication/hobby/keeps you out of trouble/friendship Part of something/sense of belonging/achievement/past achievements Sense of accomplishment/socialisation/escapism-distraction from reality Colour/creed not an issue Competitive
… Suggestions.. Anger management Sense of joy Deication/commitment Good health Culture-different traditions Discipline Friends