Section A focuses on the historic environment – Western Front WW1. Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section A focuses on the historic environment – Western Front WW1. Q1.Describe two features – 4 marks AO1 This will be concerned with the trench/battlefield/field hospital environment. Award 1 mark for each valid feature. The second mark(s) should be awarded for supporting information. “The trenches were cold, wet muddy and boggy, this meant that soldiers were prone to chest infections”. 2 marks
L2 – 3-5 – Judgements on utility using content OR NOP Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section A Q2(a) How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into……..8 marks AO3 L1 – 1-2 – Simple judgement on utility, undeveloped comment on content OR NOP. L2 – 3-5 – Judgements on utility using content OR NOP L3 – 6-8 – Judgements on utility using content and NOP. One paragraph on each source. No overall judgement needed on which is better, just individual judgements for each source.
Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section A Question 2(b) How could you follow up Source A to find out more about………(4 marks) AO3 Students will be given prompts as follows: Detail in Source A that I would follow up………………… Question I would ask……………………………………………. What type of source I could use……………………………… How this might help answer my question…………………………….. Students should look at the source and circle/underline a detail that they wish to know more about (1), think of a question (2), identify another source they could use, eg a diary, newspaper (3) and explain how the other source might help answer the question (4).
How this might help answer my question What kind of source I would use Question I would ask D Detail in source which I will follow up
Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section B Question 3 Explain one way in which medical treatment in Medieval Britain was similar/different to medical treatment in the 21st century? (4 marks) L1 – 1-2 marks – generalised comment about topic. L2 – 3-4 marks – comparison between 2 periods with specific information about the topic to support. Eg A physician would often take urine samples to find out a medical condition and in the 21st century urine is tested for conditions such as diabetes.
Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section B Question 4 Explain why there were changes…. (over 200 year period) 12 marks Student will be given 2 scaffolding points to use. Student to explain 3 reasons for changes over the 200 year period using factors/stimulus points to explain.
Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section B Question 4 Explain why there were changes…. (over 200 year period) Student will be given 2 scaffolding points to use. L1 – 1-3 marks - simple and generalised answer. L2 – 4-6 marks – an explanation is given with implicit links to the question. Accurate and relevant information included. Max 5 marks for answers that only use stimulus. L3 – 7-9 marks – An explanation with some analysis mainly directed at the question. Shows a line of reasoning which is generally sustained. Accurate and relevant information showing good knowledge and understanding. Max 8 marks that only use stimulus. L4 – 10-12 marks – Analytical, consistently directed at the question. Shows a sustained line of reasoning. Accurate and relevant information showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding.
Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section B Question 5 – Statement – How far do you agree? (16 marks) The time period will cover approx 200 years and will either focus on one period or straddle two. Student is given 2 scaffolding points which they are expected to use as examples within their paragraphs. 3-4 factors should be selected (war, govmt, role of individuals etc) and PEEL paragraphs should be used to enable the student to link back to the question at the end of each paragraph. Students should use the question in the conclusion to support their judgement.
Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment Paper 1 – Thematic study and historic environment. Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries treatment and the trenches. Section B Question 5 or 6 – Statement – How far do you agree? (16 marks) 4 SPAG available L1 – 1-4 – Simple or generalised answer. – No judgement. L2 – 5-8 - An explanation showing some development – a line of reasoning not sustained. Accurate and relevant material showing some knowledge of the period. Overall, insecure judgement. L3 – 9-12 – An explanation with some analysis shows a generally sustained line of reasoning. Accurate and relevant material showing good knowledge. Overall judgement implicit. L4 – 13-16 - An analytical explanation directed consistently at the question showing sustained line of reasoning with good structure. Accurate and relevant material showing wide ranging knowledge. Judgement justified.
Paper 2 Section A – Period study 50 years approx Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 Section A – Period studies. Q1 – Explain two consequences of…..(8 marks) Student needs two separate consequences, One consequence - “The Cuban missile crisis led to the Soviet Union removing its nuclear missiles from Cuba and, later, US missiles from Turkey.” worth 4 marks each. L1 – 1-2 marks – simple or generalised comment, may show limited knowledge. L2 – 3-4 marks – Features of the period are analysed to explain a consequence, good knowledge and understanding shown.
Paper 2 Section A – Period study 50 years approx Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 Section A – Period studies. Q2 – Write a narrative account analysing key events (8 marks) Two scaffolding points are given. Student requires at least 5 events to access L3. The events must be in chronological order. The student must explain how one event leads to or is linked with another. In preparation students can be given a timeline with 12 -15 events and narrow them down to 5-6.
Paper 2 Section A – Period study 50 years approx Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 Section A – Period studies. Q2 – Write a narrative account analysing key events (8 marks) L1 – 1-2 marks – Simple and generalised answer (AO2). Limited knowledge and understanding (AO1) L2 – 3-5 marks – A narrative is given showing organisation of events leading to an outcome. There may be some explanation of links (AO2). Accurate and relevant information included (AO1) L3 – 6-8 marks - A narrative is given showing organisation of a clear sequence of events leading to an outcome. The account explains the links between them(AO2). Accurate and relevant information included showing good knowledge and understanding(AO1).
Paper 2 Section A – Period study 50 years approx Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 Section A – Period studies. Q3. Explain two of the following………(16 marks) Three scaffolding points are provided. Student is to explain the importance of two of them – two paragraphs. L1 – 1-2 – Simple generalised answer (AO2). Limited knowledge and understanding (AO1). L2 – 3-5 – An explanation is given, showing an attempt to analyse importance, may lack organisation (AO2). Accurate and relevant information showing some understanding of period (AO1). L3 – 6-8 - An explanation is given, showing analysis, coherent and well structured organisation (AO2). Accurate and relevant information showing good knowledge and understanding of period (AO1).
Q4/5a – Describe two features of………….(4 marks) Paper 2 Section B –British depth study 25 years approx Early Elizabethan England 1558-88 Q4/5a – Describe two features of………….(4 marks) Award 1 mark for each valid feature. The second mark(s) should be awarded for supporting information. “The trenches were cold, wet muddy and boggy, this meant that soldiers were prone to chest infections”. 2 marks
Paper 2 Section B –British depth study 25 years approx Early Elizabethan England 1558-88 Q4/5b Explain why………. Student will be given 2 scaffolding points to use. L1 – 1-3 marks - simple and generalised answer. L2 – 4-6 marks – an explanation is given with implicit links to the question. Accurate and relevant information included. Max 5 marks for answers that only use stimulus. L3 – 7-9 marks – An explanation with some analysis mainly directed at the question. Shows a line of reasoning which is generally sustained. Accurate and relevant information showing good knowledge and understanding. Max 8 marks that only use stimulus. L4 – 10-12 marks – Analytical, consistently directed at the question. Shows a sustained line of reasoning. Accurate and relevant information showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding.
Paper 2 Section B –British depth study 25 years approx Early Elizabethan England 1558-88 Q4c (i) or Q4c (ii) – Statement – How far do you agree? (16 marks) The question will cover approx up to 25 years. Student is given 2 scaffolding points which they are expected to use as examples within their paragraphs. 3-4 factors should be selected and PEEL paragraphs should be used to allow the student to link back to the question at the end of each paragraph. Students should use the question in the conclusion to support their judgement.
Paper 2 Section B –British depth study 25 years approx Early Elizabethan England 1558-88 Q4c (i) or Q4c (ii) – Statement – How far do you agree? (16 marks) L1 – 1-4 – Simple or generalised answer. – No judgement. L2 – 5-8 - An explanation showing some development – a line of reasoning not sustained. Accurate and relevant material showing some knowledge of the period. Overall, insecure judgement. Max 7 marks if no stimulus used. L3 – 9-12 – An explanation with some analysis shows a generally sustained line of reasoning. Accurate and relevant material showing good knowledge. Overall judgement implicit. Max 11 marks if no stimulus used. L4 – 13-16 - An analytical explanation directed consistently at the question showing sustained line of reasoning with good structure. Accurate and relevant material showing wide ranging knowledge. Judgement justified.
Paper 3 –Modern depth study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 Section A Q1 – Give two things you can infer………AO3 (4 marks) The question is set out as follows: (i)What I can infer…………… Details in the source that tell me this………….. (ii)What I can infer………………………… This calls for two supported inferences. 1 mark for a valid inference with the second mark for supporting detail.
Paper 3 –Modern depth study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 Section A Q3 - Explain why……….AO1 and AO2 (12 marks) Student will be given 2 scaffolding points to use. L1 – 1-3 marks - simple and generalised answer. L2 – 4-6 marks – an explanation is given with implicit links to the question. Accurate and relevant information included. Max 5 marks for answers that only use stimulus. L3 – 7-9 marks – An explanation with some analysis mainly directed at the question. Shows a line of reasoning which is generally sustained. Accurate and relevant information showing good knowledge and understanding. Max 8 marks that only use stimulus. L4 – 10-12 marks – Analytical, consistently directed at the question. Shows a sustained line of reasoning. Accurate and relevant information showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding.
Paper 3 –Modern depth study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 Section B – the whole of section B will be on the same topic. Q3(a) How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into……..8 marks AO3 L1 – 1-2 – Simple judgement on utility, undeveloped comment on content OR NOP. L2 – 3-5 – Judgements on utility using content OR NOP L3 – 6-8 – Judgements on utility using content and NOP. One paragraph on each source. No overall judgement needed on which is better, just individual judgements for each source.
Paper 3 –Modern depth study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 Section B Q3(b) Study interpretations 1 and 2. They give different views about……What is the main difference between the views? Explain your answer using details from both interpretations. (AO4) (4 marks) This question is designed to compare different historians’ attitudes. Interpretation=secondary source. L1 – 1-2 marks Differences of surface detail or a difference of view is asserted without direct support L2 – 3-4 marks A key difference of view is identified and supported with quotations.
Interpretation 1 Interpretation 2 Language and tone Selection of information (content – what is included and what is not) Points of emphasis (extremes of positive/negative) Time and context
Paper 3 –Modern depth study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 Section B Q3(b) Suggest one reason why Interpretations 1 and 2 give different views about attitudes of young people towards the Hitler Youth. You may use Sources B and C to help explain your answer. (AO4) (4 marks) Ways in which students can explain the difference: Using Sources C and B to provide support to show the differences. Commenting on the content of the source – one may be more in depth and one may be more general – example quotes should be given. Commenting on the emphasis of the content – they may discuss different aspects of the topic. L1 – 1-2 marks Support for the explanation is based on undeveloped comment from material or own knowledge. L2 – 3-4 marks An explanation of a reason for the difference is given and supported by the sources effectively.
Paper 3 –Modern depth study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 Section B Q3(d) How far do you agree with Interpretation 2 about ……..? Explain your answer, using both interpretations and your knowledge of the historical context. 16 marks (AO4) Students to structure a balanced 2-sided argument using the interpretations, sources and own knowledge to support. A firm judgement to be reached.
Paper 3 –Modern depth study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 L1 – 1-4 – Simple comment to agree or disagree with the interpretation. Generalised comment or quotation. L2 – 5-8 – Comment agrees or disagrees with the interpretation. Includes details from both interpretations to support comment. Some relevant own knowledge. Judgement is reached, may not be developed. L3 – 9-12 – Explanation agrees or disagrees with the interpretation. Analysis of both interpretations shows difference of view. Relevant own knowledge is used directly to support. An overall judgement reached with some justification. L4 – 13-16 – Explanation reviews both interpretations. Precise analysis of interpretation showing how the differences of view are conveyed (quotes) to support evaluation. Relevant own knowledge is precisely selected. An overall judgement is justified. Coherent, sustained, logical structure. SPAG – up to 4 marks.