Drop off or mail entry to: CACAPON RESORT STATE PARK’s 2017 PHOTOGRAPHY & ART CONTEST NAME:_____________________________________ AGE:______ PHONE:________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________ CITY:_____________________ STATE:______ ZIP:__________ Email Address:______________________________ Grade & School Name: ______________________________ Title of your Photo or Artwork:___________________________ CATEGORY:______________________________ WAIVER: By signing below, you have read and accepted the rules of entry described on the back of this form. The Cacapon State Park Foundation and Cacapon State Park may use/publish your photo/artwork in future publications and projects (brochures, website, newsletters, for framing and use within the Park, etc.). Photo/Artwork credit will be given to the submitter. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature of Participant Date Signature of Parent if participant is under 18 Date Drop off or mail entry to: Cacapon State Park c/o: Photo &Art Contest 818 Cacapon Lodge Drive Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 BEFORE August 20th. Any questions and inquiries regarding the photo and art contest can be emailed to:??? Or call (304) 258-1022for more information. Clip this form and tape to the back of your entry and drop off at the Front Desk at the Cacapon State Park Lodge. All information must be complete and legible or entry will not be considered for contest. Photo & Art Contest Entry Form 2017 The Cacapon State Park Foundation invites photography, artists, and nature enthusiasts of all ages to participate in our first ever photo and art contest. Beginners to advanced are welcomed. CACAPON RESORT STATE PARK 818 CACAPON LODGE DRIVE BERKELEY SPRINGS, WV (304) 258-1022 Entries will be displayed at various times throughout the year for the youth category. Dates will be announced at the Homecoming Celebration on September 3, 2017. Accepting Photos or Artwork: Now until August 20
Cacapon State Park c/o: Photo &Art Contest 2017 Photo and Art Contest Cacapon State Park Now-August 20, 2017 Contest Details: We are looking for the best and unique photos or artwork of Cacapon State Park to update our current wall hangings in the lodge, cabins, offices, and restaurant. Contest Rules: All entries must illustrate subjects within the boundaries of Cacapon Resort State Park within the last two years. Only one entry per person will be accepted. The photos and artwork must be taken/drawn/colored/painted by the submitter with no outside assistance from others. Entry sizes should 8x11 inches or larger and must be submitted matted (no frame). Art work can be a medium of your choice. Color or black and white photos are eligible. All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization will not be judged. All judging decisions are final. Entries will not be returned. The contest is open to ALL. The Foundation or the Park is not responsible for lost, damaged, late or misdirected photo entries. Entrants retain the ownership and all other rights to future use of the photographs they enter except for the following: Your entry to the contest constitutes you agreement to allow your entered photographs and your name to be published as winners in Foundation and/or park publications and you grant to the Foundation and its licensees a royalty free, perpetual, non-exclusive license to reproduce, distribute, display and create derivative works of the entry (along with name credit) in connection with the Foundation and the promotion of the Foundation, in any media now or hereafter known. Prizes: ∙ Photos and Artwork will be judged separately for each category. ∙ A panel of judges will select a first place winner in each category for each division. ∙ Winners will receive a State Park incentive.? ∙ Additionally, all participants in the youth category will received one ticket for free admittance to the swimming area to be redeemed May 26-September 1, 2018. ∙ Winners do not have to be present during the announcements to receive prizes. Any prizes not picked up that day will be mailed to participants. Contest Categories: 1.) Nature up Close 2.) Historic Gems 3.) Capture the Seasons 4.) People using the Park 5.) Weddings 6.) Landscapes Divisions: Adult: 18yrs of age and older ………………..Youth: Grades K-2●3-5 6-8●High School How to Enter: 1.) Matted photos or artwork must be received by August 20, 2017. Entries may be dropped off at the Front Desk at the Lodge or mailed to: Cacapon State Park c/o: Photo &Art Contest 818 Cacapon Lodge Drive Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 2.) All entries must be 8x10 or larger and have the entry form (see back) attached to the back of each entry. 3.) All photograph entries must be accompanied with a digital file .jpg format no larger that 10MB file size at AT LEAST 72dpi. These files can all be emailed to ??? or a CD labeled with your name can be mailed or dropped off at the park. 4.) In the event that there are individuals in the photographs a portrait release form must be filled out upon submittal.**** Judging : ∙Photos and Artwork will be judged based on their over-all quality, composition, and creativity. ∙ All judging decisions are final. ∙ All entries will be displayed at the Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, September 3, 2017 at Cacapon State Park. Winners and all participants will be announced and honored at that time.