Year 11 Subject Selection – MUSIC Units 1 & 2


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Presentation transcript:

Year 11 Subject Selection – MUSIC Units 1 & 2

Course Description VCE Music offers students opportunities to engage in the practice of performing, creating and studying music that is representative of diverse genres, styles and cultures. This unit prepares students to present convincing performances of group and solo works Students select a program of group and solo works representing a range of styles and diversity of character for performance. They develop instrumental techniques that enable them to interpret the works and expressively shape their performances. They also develop an understanding of performance conventions they can use to enhance their performances. Students develop skills in unprepared performance, aural perception and comprehension, transcription, music theory and analysis. The focus for analysis in Area of Study 3 is works and performances by Australian musicians.

Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks Units 1 & 2 Music give you the opportunity to further develop your skills on your chosen instrument and work in a group and/or solo to develop a musical style and individuality. You develop repertoire that can be used in Music Performance Units 3&4. Work Tasks Assessment tasks Artist Technique Diary: Identify and describe strategies used by other performers, and then reflect and evaluate aspects of performance practice Develop general skills on your instrument and maintain a Practice Diary Choose and rehearse a program with your group and as a soloist using works from the Prescribed List (VCAA) Complete Musicianship and Aural Training Levels 12-16 Create a Glossary of terms and discuss how the interpretation of the Elements of Music is used in selected performances. Prepare and perform a practised program of group and solo works. Demonstrate instrumental techniques used in performance of selected works, demonstrate unprepared performance skills and describe influences on their approach to performance. Identify, re-create, notate and transcribe elements of music and describe ways in which expressive elements of music may be interpreted.

Subject pathway…. VCE Music Performance leads to further study in Units 3&4 Past Nagle Music students have/are studying Engineering Education Science Paramedics Carpentry Events Management Music Performance (Jazz, Contemporary, Classical) Photography Nursing

Extra activities/costs? It is expected that you will have instrumental music lessons in school or the wider community. There may be opportunity to attend the Top Class Performances in Melbourne of the previous year’s highest scoring students. There will be no charge for this excursion.

More information…. Maureen Plunkett