PACIFIC ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE (PACC) PACC Niue & Linkages with Niue IWRM Sauni Tongatule, Environment Department
Outline What is PACC! Linkages GEF funded regional project on Adaptation to Climate Change Focal area: Water Food security Coastal Management Linkages Niue choose Water as a focal area Should link up with the EUIWRM and the GEFIWRM
Direct Observations of Recent Climate Change (IPCC 4AR,2007) Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level.
ADAPTATION APPROACH Decision 11/CP.1 lays out three stages of adaptation as follows: Type I – Planning, Impact Assessments Type II – Measures, Capacity Building Type III – Measures, Adaptation Implementation PACC is a combination of II and III
What is PACC! Regional UNDP/GEF project on climate change Participating PICs (13): Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu Marshall Islands & Palau included in Dec 07 UNDP implementing agency with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme as implementing partner.
Main Objective Enhance the adaptive capacity and resilience of key development sectors in Pacific Island Countries to impacts of climate change. Water Food security Coastal Area Management
Project Phase & Focus Implementation is planned to start in November 08. The project would be for 5 years. For Niue – Improved household rainwater harvesting to reduce water supply shortages due to cyclone associated damage to public water supply systems and in time of severe drought
Project Phase & Focus IWRM we believe will focus on improved land management in the borehole catchment zones of the Alofi (capital) well-field to protect public water supply drinking water quality. There is complimentarity in the two projects rather then duplication The PACC project considers cyclone impacts, whereas the IWRM project considers the non-climate related issue of groundwater quality vulnerability to land use.
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