Interactive Power Point
Hernando de Soto was a ____________ born explorer. He is famous for exploring the Southeastern United States from _______________ through Georgia to the area of _________________. Spanish Tampa Bay North Carolina He was the first European to cross the _____________________ . Mississippi River He also explored __________, the land of the Incas. Peru
He was born around the year _________, in Badajoz, _____________. 1500 Spain Not much is known about his early life other than the region he was from was fairly ___________. poor At the young age of _______ he left home to join the Governor of Panama for a voyage to the ______________. 14 West Indies
Hernando de Soto proved to be a talented ______________ and became very wealthy from trading and stealing from the native people. horseman By around the year 1530, he became a ____________ trader in Nicaragua. slave In 1531, he joined the explorer Francisco Pizarro on an expedition to ____________. Peru
The goal of the expedition was to conquer the _______________, the native people who lived in Peru. Incan Empire When they arrived, Pizzaro captured the Inca Emperor and held him for ______________. He demanded large amounts of __________ and silver for his return. ransom gold
De Soto and Pizzaro became very ___________ as a result, but Pizzaro did not return the emperor to his people. Pizzaro ____________ him even though they paid the ransom. rich killed During this time, many of the Inca people were also ____________ and most of their treasure was _______________. killed plundered
De Soto returned to Spain a very ___________ man, he married and settled in _______________. rich Seville His reputation as an explorer gained the attention of the king of _____________. The king gave him permission for an expedition to conquer ______________ . Spain Florida
In 1538, de Soto left Spain for the New World and Florida with a large fleet of ships, horses and _____________. soldiers De Soto stopped in _____________ on the way. He and his crew prepared for the rest of the voyage to Florida. Cuba
In May of 1539, de Soto and his men landed near modern day ______________ Florida. Tampa Bay De Soto and his men led an expedition through Florida on a quest for ____________, _____________ and any other riches they could get their hands on. gold silver
They led brutal attacks on the native people that lived in Florida, they took supplies like ____________ and ___________. Many native Americans died. corn meat All the while, Hernando De Soto was becoming _______________ because there was no _____________ to be found! frustrated gold
He fought and _______________ his way north, possibly as far north as North Carolina. The trip was difficult for his men, many were __________ and hungry. plundered sick Many of his men were ______________ as the natives mounted attacks, not willing to let the Spanish invade their_________________. killed villages
In 1541 Hernando de Soto and his expedition found themselves on the banks of the _______________________. Mississippi River The expedition constructed several ______________ and rowed down the river. barges De Soto had heard rumors that the natives in ________________ had large amounts of gold. Arkansas
He continued to believe these stories of gold but once again the rumors were ____________. false They spent the next winter in Arkansas. But things were beginning to fall apart for de Soto. His trusted advisor _________________ died. His men were weak and hungry. Juan Ortiz
On ________________ Hernando de Soto himself died of a ______________. May 21, 1542 fever Hernando de Soto failed to establish any ________________, found no ____________, and left death and disease wherever he went. colonies gold His exploration did help document the Native American _____________ that lived in the Southeastern United States. tribes
Hernando de Soto was born in Badajoz, Spain.
Hernando de Soto’s first expedition was with Francisco Pizarro to Panama. They went on to conquer Peru.
Hernando de Soto led the next expedition to the New World and Florida. His first stop was in Cuba.
Route taken by de Soto through the Southeastern United States Mississippi River Route taken by de Soto through the Southeastern United States After leaving Cuba he came ashore modern day Tampa Bay, Florida.