Using Federal Compliance for Institutional Learning and Improvement Beyond Compliance Using Federal Compliance for Institutional Learning and Improvement Ann T. Bentz, PhD Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs Kim Black, PhD Director of Assessment and HLC Accreditation Liaison Officer July 27, 2017
Session Goals Describe a structure for ongoing management of academic federal compliance requirements Discuss strategies for effective communication about compliance Explain how federal compliance can serve as a catalyst for institutional learning and improvement
In general, how does your institution view federal compliance?
How confident are you that your institution is meeting federal compliance requirements?
The Beginning… More common comments – will probably sound familiar
How do we get everyone’s attention and change a decades old mindset? So….what next? How do we get everyone’s attention and change a decades old mindset? Emphasizing the requirements for the upcoming accreditation visit?
Educate about the multitudes of regulations? Title IX and Sex Discrimination Americans with Disabilities Act
What speaks loudest?
Found as many examples as possible for paying back the feds due to non compliance – tied the “reasons” to the program integrity rules of the HEOA
Who on your campus is responsible for ongoing oversight of federal compliance?
Steering Committee for the Oversight of HLC and Legislative Academic Compliance Academic Administrators Provost’s Office, Assessment/Accreditation, Registrar, Financial Aid, Graduate School, Dean of Students, Distance Education Faculty Faculty Senate, Academic Policies Committee Other Administrators Title IX/Equity, Athletics A compliance committee is not unique by any means. We just wanted to share how this approach worked for us. Long convulated name because it was less threatening to folks than “compliance”
Steering Committee for the Oversight of HLC and Legislative Academic Compliance Responsibilities: monitor HLC, State, and Federal legislative mandates monitor current UNC policies, procedures, guidelines and practices identify and prioritize HLC and legislative academic compliance issues identify institutional barriers to compliance such as a lack of policy, policy gaps, or structural impediments develop, appropriately vet, and subsequently implement plans to resolve compliance issues which may include the development of ad hoc topic-specific committees made up of appropriate stakeholders build campus-wide awareness of academic compliance issues and the need to address those issues be a point of contact when compliance issues or questions arise
Meeting #1 July 11, 2013 Program integrity rules of HEOA
Student Consumer Information Page Title IV Regulations Steering Committee for the Oversight of HLC and Legislative Academic Compliance Student Consumer Information Page Title IV Regulations Instructional Methods Course Scheduling Student Complaints Transfer Policies NCAA Compliance Least controversial – met weekly for most of 2013; bi-weekly for all of 2014; moved to monthly
Communication Strategies Road Show Connection to faculty governance Compliance committee members informed units Web presence Clear, consistent messaging! We were very open about non-compliance issues that arose – accused on misunderstanding/misinterpreting the law
Communication Strategies What helps students – use the LAC example
All minutes are posted – nothing is hidden Comments: The University of Northern Colorado has demonstrated a strength in placing policies and requirements on the website where it can be read by students, faculty, and the community.
Paid Off!
What is the main challenge to federal compliance?
People Old habits New employees Intransigence
Processes Communication Training Shared governance
Students benefit from focus on compliance Academic Policy/Faculty Governance Advising and financial aid Transfer evaluation and credit for prior learning Four-year plans Centralized scheduling
Final Thoughts Focus on benefits to students Support from academic leadership Candid evaluation
Would a compliance committee work for your campus?