In your rows (don’t move desks, just move yourself)… Draw a picture of a civilized person. (Stick figures are OK!)
Evolution of Hominids (animals that walk on two feet) Australopithecines (4 million years ago) Earliest hominid (that we know of) Opposable thumbs Ex: Lucy (1974), possibly part of a family unit Homo habilis (2.5 million years ago) “Skilled Man” Creation of simple tools for survival Homo erectus (1.6 million years ago) “Upright Man” More technology (FIRE!) Simple language
Where did we come from? Homo erectus Cro Magnons (40,000-10,000 years ago) Neanderthals (200,000 years ago) Big brains “Cavemen” Advanced tools First to have funeral burials Skilled hunters Beat out by Cro Magnons? ? Homo sapiens (What we are) “Wise Men” Developed from Homo erectus? Increased technology Advanced language
The Rise of Civilization
Essential Questions What caused the shift in humans from hunting/gathering to settlements? What are the characteristics of a civilization?
Stone Age Paleolithic Era (“Old Stone” Era) 2 million BCE – 8,000 BCE Neolithic Revolution Paleolithic Era (“Old Stone” Era) 2 million BCE – 8,000 BCE Nomads Hunting-gathering Neolithic Era (“New Stone” Era) 8,000 BCE – 3,000 BCE Settlements Farming Gradual rise of civilization
Neolithic Revolution (8,000-3,000 BCE) The invention of farming (a. k Neolithic Revolution (8,000-3,000 BCE) The invention of farming (a.k.a. the most important technological advancement in all of human history. Seriously.)
What are the requirements of a civilization? Central city City: a permanent settlement that is the center of trade for a larger area Institutions An established structure of social order Ex: government, religion, schooling system Specialized workers food = less people needed for farming = people can start doing other things Ex: artisans, merchants “Advanced” technology Plow, irrigation, etc. Record keeping* Taxes, trade, laws Eventually, history (wars, reigns of kings, etc.)
Where would you settle?