How many squares on a chessboard? (Hint: it isn’t 64 or even 65) 64 + 49 + 36 +25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 204
Maths Curriculum Presentation 10.2.17
What is mastery? Rapid recall and efficient methods alongside a deeper understanding Deep, transferable learning Making connections Being able to reason about concepts The ability to build on ideas and adapt thinking Mathematical agility and flexibility
What mastery in maths isn’t Doing it without thinking about it e.g. driving Knowing facts off by heart Bigger numbers Doing a procedure as quickly as possible Always being right
Can you explain why this is happening? What do you notice? Can you explain why this is happening? Can you predict what would happen with 20 or 100 cubes?
Mathematics ELG 11 - Numbers Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer.
How do we teach maths? We teach procedures and methods e.g. addition methods We also teach understanding – exploration tasks We teach children to apply their skills independently and to apply reasoning to their learning – BAM task
Exploration Tasks These are tasks that the children complete at the end of every lesson to see if they can reason about the concept. It proves that they have a deeper understanding of the ideas that they have been learning about.
What fraction of this shape is shaded? Explain your reasoning.
BAM tasks A weekly task which helps the children to apply the skills they have learned in a more open investigation.
Use the Cuisenaire rods to find all the combinations that are in the same ratio as the rods in Figure 1 Use the Cuisenaire rods to find all the combinations that are in the same ratio as the rods in Figure 2
Changes Deep and secure knowledge – concept blocks Emphasis on resources and concrete experiences Differentiate by deepening knowledge not by teaching more complex content from the year above
Concrete maths in action 2D shape Estimating/number sense Volume Shape 3D shapes
Depth with numbers to 10
Why mastery celebrates being ‘wrong’ It is as important to celebrate being wrong as much as we celebrate being right Encouraging the children to reason their own way out of being wrong is important Try asking them to explain why they think a given answer is correct or incorrect
Why mastery celebrates being ‘wrong’ Challenge your children to celebrate the best mistake of the day
How can you help? Play maths games-these make maths fun and encourage number sense. Play games with dice e.g. shut the box. Never say that a child is wrong when they are working on maths problems. Try to find the logic in their thinking and pose a question instead e.g. if they say 3 x 4 = 7 say “I can see why you thought that-remember that multiplying is like groups of so how would you say the calculation now?” Never associate maths with speed if you want them to gain a deeper understanding.
Connect 4 with dice
How can you help? Even if it isn’t true, be positive about your own maths ability and be positive about your attitude to maths when talking to your child. There is research to suggest that saying the opposite leads to the child lowering their aspirations. Encourage number sense. Having an idea of the size of a number as well as the ability to separate and recombine numbers are the hallmarks of a great mathematician. Ask questions such as “Is that number high or low? What could you do to that number to make it easier to find the answer?” e.g. 127 - 59 Praise the thinking and the effort. Encourage them to think about what they have done/can do rather than what they don’t know.
“Fast calculation is not what is needed in high-level mathematics work “Fast calculation is not what is needed in high-level mathematics work. Strong mathematics learners are those who think deeply, make connections and visualise.” Dr Jo Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University