Peak Oil vs. Fracking Revolution World Energy Peak Oil vs. Fracking Revolution
Outline What is Peak Oil – 2005 view Current situation in USA – 2013 view What is Horizontal Drilling and Fracking – non-conventional oil and gas What is the world’s future?
1. What us peak oil – View in 2005
http://www. simmonsco-intl
2. Current situation in USA – view in 2015
2014/15 Supply Increase 1 minute
What is happening to US Oil Prodution?
What’s the Future More Oil but growth from non-conventional sources
Fracking Helps U.S. Crude Production Rise to Highest Point Since 1998
But still near past Peak Production Future Expectation Range
But US still will be an importer
3. Where is this new oil & Gas coming from
Stimulous for additional Oil & Gas Price Technology
Arrival of non-conventional means and resources Natural Gas Reserves
What the future may hold
Horizontal Drilling and Fracking, what is it? Chesapeake Energy horizontal drilling method Fracking:
4. Future
We’ve dogged the conventional Fossil Fuels Peak, but… China and India on the horizon
All developing countries want theirs
What else is on the horizon?
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015 in 2 minutes