The Critical Lens Essay
Why do we have to? Because… In 11th Grade you will take the English Regents Exam (a really important test). 70% of your grade is based off of four essays The Critical Lens is, perhaps, the most difficult of the four essays. This essay is very similar to an essay format they give on the SAT. It will count as two test grades in this class. I said so.
ALWAYS READ DIRECTIONS By golly, it’s a checklist of what I must include in my essay! FOLLOW IT.
Prewriting Steps (PAL) Paraphrase – rephrase the quote in your own words. Agree/Disagree – decide whether you agree with the quote or disagree with the quote. Literature – think of books, plays, or stories you have read that can support your belief or disbelief of the quote. NOTE: For our purposes, we will ONLY be using The Odyssey, by Homer.
EASY ESSAY INTRO According to Author of quote “Quote.” This means your interpretation of the quote which is your thesis. Two works that prove/disprove this quote are title of work by author of work and title of second work by author of second work.
Easy Intro Steps COPY THE QUOTE. USE YOUR WORDS According to Author of quote “Quote.” USE YOUR WORDS This means your interpretation of the quote which is your thesis TWO WORKS ARE (Title, Author, Genre) Two works that prove/disprove this quote are title of work by author of work and title of second work by author of second work.
Remember… + = PAL CUT PALCUT + = A+
Body Paragraphs… Each body paragraph should supply ONE reason to support your thesis. Each reason should be supported by specific examples. Each paragraph should also mention a literary element (usually theme, simile, metaphor, symbols, etc) For OUR purposes you may use: Epic similes Epithets **Characteristics of an Epic Poem ** **The definition of an Epic Hero & Tragic Flaw** **The parts of the hero’s journey (initiation, departure, return)** NOTE: * * these terms should be defined in your study guides
Epithets (nicknames) for Odysseus god-like man of many resources man of many turns much-enduring great-hearted sacker of cities loved of Zeus great glory of the Achaeans master mariner mastermind of war man of action the great teller of tales man of pain
“To whom much is given much is tested.” What is Odysseus GIVEN? How is Odysseus tested? THESE DETAILS SHOULD FORM THE REASONS/EXAMPLES IN YOUR BODY PARAGRAPHS!
REMEMBER… Always … ask yourself: how does this paragraph support to my thesis statement? connect all of your examples back to your thesis! use transition words/phrases between body paragraphs!