Ch 13 Section 3 Fascism In Italy
Edmund Burke (1729-1797) statement, "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Just to add to the above, a classic example is Hitler's invasion of Russia. Napoleon had done that, and Hitler made the same mistake, and suffered the same fate. On both occasions, the Russians simply retreated , drawing the enemy further and further into Russia in their advance, and then, when they Russian winter struck, and the invaders were unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with it, they were slaughtered in their thousands during their retreat. Intro bio to mussolini History Brief: Benito Mussolini Gains Power in Italy
Fascism vs Communism Both fascism and communism are types of authoritarian rule, both wanted radical change, both are bolstered by a highly etc Fascism: Industry and military control the government. Reactionary. Communism: The government controls industry. Radical Those who don’t know history will repeat it Fascism and Mussolini | The 20th century | World history | Khan Academy
Characteristics of Fascism Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause Supremacy of the Military Rampant Sexism Controlled Mass Media Obsession with National Security Religion and Government are Intertwined Fraudulent Elections Rampant Corruption Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Dissatisfaction & Unrest Mussolini Changes Italy Italians dissatisfied with territories at end of WWI Chaos & disorder across country Government cannot solve crisis Mussolini Takes Power Mussolini organizes Fascist party Pledges to return Italy to greatness Black shirts smash opposition King gives Mussolini control after March on Rome Mussolini Changes Italy Mussolini becomes dictator Brings economy under state control Glorifies the states at the expense of the individual
Differences from Communism Similarities to Communism Values No unifying set of beliefs Glorifies extreme nationalism, discipline, military & loyalty to the state Characteristics Centralized, authoritarian, non-communist pursued aggressive foreign expansion Differences from Communism Works for nationalist rather than international goals Supports a society with defined classes Similarities to Communism Both systems use terror to support their regimes Both inspire blind devotion to the state Both lead by elites Both impose totalitarian gov. to control the nation & make rapid changes
Ch 13 Sec 3 Review Questions Use book pgs 434-438 & notes
What outraged Italian nationalists following WWI.? Fascism- Totalitarian state - March on Rome – Black Shirts - Benito Mussolini – What outraged Italian nationalists following WWI.? Under Mussolini, Italy became what style of gov? Whom did Mussolini’s system of gov favor? What were some appeals of fascism to Italians? List several ways(2-3) fascism differs from communism. Fascism emphasizes which of the following: (BM?) a. isolationism b. nationalism c. individual rts d. a classless society
Answers 3 pts each /33
Any centralized authoritarian, nationalistic gov that is not communist & whose policies glorify the state over the individual & are destructive to basic human rights Form of gov in which a one-party dictatorships rules Fascist event that forced the king of Italy to hand power over/to Mussolini Fascist party militants Italian fascist party leader Italy didn’t receive all the territory promised to it Dictatorship The upper classes & industrial leaders Promise of a strong stable gov, intense nationalism, brought discipline & order to gov Works for nationalist rather than international goals, supports a society with defined classes, allied among business leaders, wealthy landowners, & lower middle class b. nationalism
Mussolini Changes Italy Dissatisfaction & Unrest Italians dissatisfied with territories at end of WWI Chaos & disorder across country Government cannot solve crisis Mussolini Takes Power Mussolini organizes Fascist party Pledges to return Italy to greatness Black shirts smash opposition King gives Mussolini control after March on Rome Mussolini Changes Italy Mussolini becomes dictator Brings economy under state control Glorifies the states at the expense of the individual