Psalm 38:15-22 ( Tune: Jesus Calls Us)


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Nothing apart from Thee,
Presentation transcript:

Psalm 38:15-22 ( Tune: Jesus Calls Us) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 38D Music: Jesus Calls Us, William H. Jude Arrangement: Chris Reeves

1. Lord my God in thee I’m trust-ing thou O Lord wilt an-swer me; Lest they joy a- gainst me boast-ing when my slip-ping… …feet they see.

2. Since I read-y am to stum-ble ev-er with me grief has been; guilt I’ll own with spir- it hum-ble, and be sor - ry for my sin.

3. Full of life and great in num-ber, strong the foes… …who me with-stood; E - vil they for kind-ness ren-der, hat- ing me for do-ing good.

4. O my God do not for-sake me; O Je - ho - vah be thou near; to my help -er I be- take me; as my Sav-ior, Lord, ap-pear.