Cluster Week 10 November 5, 2014
Norms Post it notes for reading
Yearly Cluster Goal By May 2015, all 7th and 8th grade students will improve on the ELA and Math Galileo IE Post Test, by at least 10% with a focus on: Skill focus ELA: Key Ideas and Details (Thinking/Problem Solving) Skill focus in Math: Number Sense (Thinking/Problem Solving)
School Goal-Math By May 2015, student achievement will increase on the Math Galileo IE Post Test as follows: 7th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 77 % to 79% Total number of students to move 63 8th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 72 % to 75% Total number of students to move 80
School Goal-ELA By May 2015, student achievement will increase on the ELA Galileo IE Post Test as follows: 7th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 95% to 96% Total number of students to move 12 8th Grade: Meeting/Exceeding will increase from 81% to 83% Total number of students to move 60
Cluster Cycle 1 Goal By the end of the first cluster cycle, teachers will effectively analyze student work and monitor student achievement as evidenced by a 3.0 or higher average score of all teachers in each of the following three TAP rubric indicators: Standards and Objectives, Assessment, and Student Work. Target learning outcomes-through student work and asssessment
Evaluate New Learning Analyze your formative assessments. What is the data telling you? Complete the top part of your graphic organizer. We will visit this at the end…
Identify the Need Teachers will identify interventions for student learning by analyzing formative assessment data.
Obtain New Learning As you are watching the video, answer questions 1-3. Draw this on back of agenda, So, how do we do this? DETAILS MAKE IT INTERESTING, engagement is the sweet spot in the middle!
Develop New Learning Develop intervention strategies after analyzing assessment data. How will you help students in the “not there yet” category? What are your next steps for those demonstrating mastery? New ideas? Going deeper with topics?
Closure-exit ticket Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up Share your intervention strategy and next step New ideas? Going deeper with topics?
Apply New Learning Apply your intervention and extension strategies in your classroom Be prepared to share your successes and opportunities for improvement