Track Team Car Wash By Claire Estes, Devon Fontenot, Kaelin Foreman, Alexander Granados, Brandon Glenn.
About Our Event The track team is hosting a car wash in order to raise money. We will advertise around town and in schools, through local media outlets, and by emailing people in order to get customers and support.
Personal Selling Who- Alexander Granados What-Personal Selling- for Track Team Car Wash Where-Around the school and restaurant also shopping area in Pearland Why-To help raise money for the Track Team When-2 weeks before the Car Wash for the Track Team How-By Personal Selling for the Car Wash to help raise money for the Track Team
Advertising Who- Claire Estes What- Car Wash for the Track Team- Advertising Where- We will advertise through local news outlets like the Houston Chronicle and Pearland Journal and also with signs around town to advertise. Why- People will see it when they are reading the paper or going to the grocery store. When- When will put up signs 1 week before the car wash and advertise in the paper for 3 days up until the car wash. How- In order to advertise for the track team's car wash we will put signs up around town 1 week prior and have ads in 2 newspapers 3 days prior. This will allow our ads to be seen when people are reading the paper or running errands.
Direct Marketing Who: Kaecee Foreman What: Direct marketing for car wash for track team Where: Through email Why: Parents/students will see it when they check their email When: We’ll start sending them out about a week before the car wash How: To spread the word for our car wash through direct marketing, we’ll make print ads to send to parents/students through email about a week in advance.
Sales Promotion Who- Devon Fontenot What- promotion for the car wash to raise money for the track team Where- around school and on social media Why- the fundraising for the track team When- in the spring and start advertising in January How- making an ad for oiler vision and promoting on different social media platforms
Public relations Who: Brandon Glenn What: Public relations for the track team Where: At school and at popular stores around town. Why: To bring the attention to the public about the track team When: 2 weeks before up until the day of the car wash. How: To try to influence people to go to our car wash