Professional Landscape Lighting Systems & Solutions
Ace Connector The Ace Connector is another installation accessory available from Nightscaping®. This solid brass, direct burial cable connector with a weatherproof sleeve is far and away the best connector available on the market today.
Ace Connector Other connectors on the market do not compare with the Ace. Here you see what can happen if you use lesser quality connectors, or plastic wire nuts in your lighting installations.
Ace Connector Here’s another example of what can happen to your connectors due to heat and corrosion when you don’t specify the Nightscaping® brand Ace.
Ace Connector Our in house production policy definitely includes the Ace Connector. They are shown here being manufactured in our machine shop from solid brass rods on a computerized lathe. This is the same machine we use to build finials and other fixture components.
Ace Connector The Ace Connector is available in two different sizes to accommodate both large and small gauges of cable. Here you see an Ace being installed.
Hopefully this presentation has given you some insight into Nightscaping’s® dedication to manufacturing professional grade lighting equipment for professional lighting installers. As you can see by the picture shown, the entire Nightscaping® staff - even the company president - is at your service. Partner with us today. Let us know what we can do for you.
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