Introduction to Butterflies Honors Biology 1st Quarter Mini Project
What is a butterfly? Organisms of the Class Insecta Together with moths form the Order Lepidoptera from the Greek Lepis, scale, and pteron, wing 2 superfamilies: true butterflies, Papillonidae and skippers, Hesperidae
Papillonidae 6 families Swallowtails- large with projection-like tails from hind wing, < 30 species in North America Whites and sulphurs- 55 species in North America, small or medium size, white or yellow Gossamer wings- 100 species in NA, small butterflies, such as blues, hairstreaks and coppers
Papillonidae continued Metalmarks-24 species in NA, shiny metallic markings Brushfoots-150 species in NA, diverse group includes fritillaries, crescents, satyrs and milkweed butterflies Snouts- 2 species in NA, have long snouts
Skippers 250 species in NA Small to medium size with triangular wings and fuzzy thick bodies
Let’s try to classify these Butterflies Use their family name
Clouded sulfur
Red spotted purple
Northern pearly eye
Gray hairstreak
Also gray hairstreak
Zebra swallowtail
Eastern tailed blue
European Cabbage
Painted Lady
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Spicebush swallowtail
Orange sulfur
Variegated frittalary
Pearl crescent
Silver spotted skipper
Common checkered skipper
Crossline skipper
Also crossline skipper
Butterfly Behavior Basking Puddling Feeding Specialists-only 1 or 2 food sources Generalists- many food sources
Habitat Preference Field or meadow Forest Tend to hover around flowers and are brightly colored Forest Tend to prefer poop and are brownish
Butterfly Predators Mostly birds Some small mammals Protected by adaptations: Color, bright or brown Flight pattern Flight speed Eyespots and other markings on wings
Good Luck I hope you have fun with this