Statewide / Framework Datasets: Approaches and Outcomes NC GIS Conference February 26, 2015 Jeff Brown, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
GIS Framework Data Imagery Parcels Roads Elevation Address Points Application Examples Imagery Parcels Roads Elevation Address Points Streams Property appraisal Public works Schools / Community Assets Emergency Preparedness First Response Site Suitability Foundation for mapping and analysis: Where? What? Distance? Value in state, local, private business process Return on investment, e.g., economic development, public safety…
Putting GIS Framework Data to Work Economic Development Scenario: Industry seeking to develop site in NC Criteria: Vacant land at least 20 acres Near US Highway interchange Polk or Rutherford County Supporting Data: Imagery Transportation Property boundaries Address points Elevation
Where are they? Show potential sites that meet developer criteria Potential sites meet criteria on both sides of county boundary With standardized framework data, results can be queried and viewed at one time
Without statewide standardized data: 3 single- county parcel map viewers With a variety of field names for parcel size, parcel value, ownership, etc.
What does it look like? Display the imagery Farmland? Forest? Adjacent parcels? Select an area of interest for more detail (yellow
What is the site like? Add elevation contours Add address points (orange) for additional reference
Value of Statewide Datasets Consistency Efficiency Trust Capability Consistency – data is standardized across counties and regions Efficiency – analyze data can be analyzed comprehensively Trust – data is documented from state and local government sources Capability - do more in less time
The statewide program acquires orthoimagery for one-fourth of the state each year. Since the statewide collection in 2010, three of four regions are complete and published on NC OneMap, and the fourth is being flown this winter. The NC 911 Board has funded the program.
The NC Parcel Project is producing copies of parcel boundaries published by counties with standardized data fields. Data are published in a Web Feature Service from the Carbon Project and published as map and feature services by NC OneMap. 57 counties have completed transformations to date.
Statewide Data Value! Local government data are vital Collaboration in business solutions more common Investment in GIS brings returns GIS widely used, valuable, focused on business applications Local government data are vital for local purposes and as sources for statewide, standardized datasets Collaboration in business solutions Investment in GIS brings returns
Collaborate Participate in orthoimagery quality control Share local data with: NC Parcels Project AddressNC Maintain statewide datasets Maintain public access, open data formats Search and discover on NC OneMap Share local data with NC Parcels Project Participate in orthoimagery quality control Share address point data with AddressNC Search and discover on NC OneMap Maintain statewide datasets Maintain public access, open data formats, and …
Metadata Data documentation is essential Discovery Interpretation and analysis Trust Data documentation is essential Discovery Interpretation and analysis Trust
More information Jeff Brown, CGIA