During the “Three Dynasties” Sui, Tang, Song China and the Silk Road During the “Three Dynasties” Sui, Tang, Song
The Civil Service test How do we chose government officials in America today? Civil Service Examination young men had to memorize old Confucius texts Most failed Meant that China always had a literate government
Chinese inventions of this time Steel!!! gunpowder Cotton
Trade Along the Silk Road Three religions spread along the routes: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam Gunpowder, silk and paper, tea, rice, spices Wool, carpets, gold, silver, gems China The rest of the World
Silk Silk is made from the strands of a Silkworm’s cocoon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfW9ZxJdW9I
Social Classes during the “Three Dynasties” Most people still lived off the land in villages Scholar-Gentry class rose Upper class that controlled most of the land Provided candidates for the civil service.
Women had very little power When a girl married, her parents paid a dowry to the husband (poor families often sold their daughters) FOOT BINDING: