11/15/2018 Animals What do we know?
Kingdom Animalia Heterotrophic No cell walls Many types move ingestion 11/15/2018 Kingdom Animalia Heterotrophic ingestion No cell walls Various means of support Many types move Nerves & muscles
Multicellular Specialized cells 11/15/2018 Multicellular Specialized cells Differentiated to do specific jobs Ex. Red blood cell, muscle cell, nerve cell Organized into tissues, organs, & systems Not in all animals, but most Formed by differentiation Start as totipotent stem cells Change into different cell types
Early Development Fertilization Cleavage Blastula 11/15/2018 Early Development Fertilization Union of sperm & ovum Ovum – large quantity of cytoplasm & yolk Cleavage Cell division – without increasing mass Cell size gets smaller Blastula Hollow ball of cells
Early development Gastrulation Gastrula 11/15/2018 Early development Gastrulation Changes single layer blastula into multilayered gastrula Gastrula Germ layers Ectoderm Skin, nails, nervous system Endoderm Digestive tract, lungs, gills Mesoderm All others
From: http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/pix/gastrulation.jpg 11/15/2018 From: http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/pix/gastrulation.jpg
From Zygote to Gastrula 11/15/2018 From Zygote to Gastrula What happens to the mass of a zygote as it undergoes cell division? Is that mitosis of meiosis? Describe a blastula. What are the three germ layers? Where does each come from in the gastrula?
Symmetry Pattern of structure Asymmetrical – no pattern 11/15/2018 Symmetry Pattern of structure Asymmetrical – no pattern Radial symmetry – branches in all directions Bilateral symmetry – two equal halves
11/15/2018 What type of symmetry?
Directional Terminology 11/15/2018 Directional Terminology Dorsal/ventral Anterior/posterior Right/left
Cephalization Brain and sensory organs in anterior end of organism 11/15/2018 Cephalization Brain and sensory organs in anterior end of organism Why?
Taxonomy Invertebrates Phylum chordata No backbone 10 phyla Notochord 11/15/2018 Taxonomy Invertebrates No backbone No other characteristics 10 phyla Phylum chordata Notochord Embryonic in most organisms Can become the spinal cord http://www.uta.edu/studentorgs/pdsa/chordata.htm
Invertebrates Phylum porifera (sponges) Sessile Filter feeders 11/15/2018 Invertebrates Phylum porifera (sponges) Sessile Filter feeders Sexual & asexual reproduction No true tissues or organs
Phylum cnidaria (nie-DER-ee-uh) 11/15/2018 Phylum cnidaria (nie-DER-ee-uh) General shape Polyp – vase-shaped Medusa – bell-shaped Cnidocytes Cells used for stinging Nematocyts – organelle like a harpoon Some have poison associated Usually found on tentacles Nerve net Web of interconnected nerve cells Respond to stimuli No brain
Cnidaria Examples 11/15/2018 Hydra Jelly fish Coral Sea anemone
Phylum platyhelminthes (plat-ee-hel-MINTH-eez) 11/15/2018 Phylum platyhelminthes (plat-ee-hel-MINTH-eez) Flat worms Bilateral symmetry Many are parasitic Liver flukes Schistoma – Schistosomiasis – (fig 36-4) p. 712 Tapeworms
Phylum Nematoda Roundworms most parasitic 11/15/2018 Phylum Nematoda Roundworms most parasitic Two openings to digestive tract mouth/anus Separate male and female – mostly
11/15/2018 Elephantiasis Roundworm that affects the lymph flow
Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms Bilateral symmetry Earthworm, leeches 11/15/2018 Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms Earthworm, leeches Bilateral symmetry
Phylum Arthropoda Jointed legs Bilateral symmetry Chitin exoskeleton 11/15/2018 Phylum Arthropoda Jointed legs Bilateral symmetry Chitin exoskeleton Types Crustaceans crayfish, lobster Arachnids spiders, ticks, scorpions
Phylum Arthropoda Insects Most diverse 11/15/2018 Phylum Arthropoda Insects Most diverse Important for flower pollination Metamorphosis Complete – eggs, larva, pupa, adult Butterfly Incomplete – eggs, nymph, adult grasshopper
Molting vs. metamorphosis 11/15/2018 Molting vs. metamorphosis Molting Shedding exoskeleton Uses a hormone – molting hormone Metamorphosis Caused by a lack of juvenile hormone
Phylum Mollusca Some have outer shells Diverse group 112,000 species 11/15/2018 Phylum Mollusca Some have outer shells Diverse group 112,000 species Clams, oysters Snails, slugs Octopus, squid
Phylum Echinodermata (ee-kie-noh-dur-mahtah) 11/15/2018 Phylum Echinodermata (ee-kie-noh-dur-mahtah) Live in water Radial symmetry No cephalization Sea stars Sand dollars Sea urchins
Vertebrates Classes of vertebrates Agnatha Osteichthyes Chondrichthyes 11/15/2018 Vertebrates Classes of vertebrates Agnatha Osteichthyes Chondrichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia
Agnatha Jawless fishes Lamprey 11/15/2018 Agnatha Jawless fishes Lamprey Entered Great Lakes from Atlantic Ocean through canals Couldn’t initially get past natural barriers Ex. Niagara Falls
Chondrichthyes Characteristics Cartilage skeleton No swim bladder 11/15/2018 Chondrichthyes Characteristics Cartilage skeleton No swim bladder Cannot float in water
Osteichthyes Characteristics Skeleton made of bone Swim bladder 11/15/2018 Osteichthyes Characteristics Skeleton made of bone Swim bladder
Amphibia Characteristics 11/15/2018 Amphibia Characteristics Ectothermic Smooth skin must stay moist (respiration) 3 chambered heart Lay eggs in water (no shell) Very important part of ecosystems as primary/secondary consumer
Reptilia Characteristics Ectothermic Rough scaly skin 11/15/2018 Reptilia Characteristics Ectothermic Rough scaly skin 4 chambered heart Lay eggs with amnion (yolk) Doesn’t need to be in water (water tight) Turtles, crocs, alligators, lizards, snakes
Aves Characteristics Feathers Bill Endothermic Lay eggs (amnion) 11/15/2018 Aves Characteristics Feathers Bill Endothermic Lay eggs (amnion)
Mammalia Hair/fur Produce milk for young Endothermic 11/15/2018 Mammalia Hair/fur Produce milk for young Endothermic Placental, marsupial (pouch), egg