How to become a CHDO
HOME Investment Partnerships Program HUD Program 24 CFR 92 CHDO HOME Investment Partnerships Program HUD Program 24 CFR 92
Community Housing Development Organization CHDO Community Housing Development Organization
24 CFR 92.300(a) The Fund must reserve not less than 15 percent of the HOME allocation for investment only in housing to be owned, developed or sponsored by CHDOs.
24 CFR 92.300(a) The Fund must certify the organization as meeting the definition of “community housing development organization” and must document that the organization has capacity to own, develop, or sponsor housing each time it commits funds to the organization.
$5,172,848 and $780,000 is in the CHDO set-aside 2018 HOME Award $5,172,848 and $780,000 is in the CHDO set-aside
Certification Req’ments Nonprofit organization organized under State laws No part of net earning inures to the benefit of any member, founder, contributor, or individual
Certification Req’ments Is tax exempt Has among its purposes the provision of decent housing that is affordable to low-income people
Certification Req’ments Conforms to the financial accountability standards of 24 CFR 84.21 Has demonstrated capacity for carrying out activities with HOME funds
Certification Req’ments Has a history of serving the community where housing to be assisted with HOME funds will be produced
Certification Req’ments Tri-part Board
Certification Req’ments Maintains at least one-third of its governing board’s membership for residents of low-income neighborhoods, other low-income community residents, or elected representative of low-income neighborhood organizations
Certification Req’ments Has no more than one-third of its governing board’s membership as public employees or publicly-appointed
Certification Req’ments Provides a formal process for low-income, program beneficiaries to advise the organization in all of its decisions regarding the design, siting, development, and management of all HOME-assisted affordable housing projects
Certification Req’ments Organization whose primary purpose is to provide and develop affordable housing
Certification Req’ments Must have West Virginia office with staff and operating hours Must have specific service area – not the entire state
Certification Information
24 CFR 92.250(b)(2) For all developers, CHDO or otherwise, the Fund’s underwriting includes
24 CFR 92.250(b)(2) An assessment, at minimum, of the current market demand in the neighborhood in which the project will be located, the experience of the developer, the financial capacity of the developer, and firm written financial commitments for the project.
CHDO Operating Expense Grant HOME eligible activities per 24 CFR 92.205(a)(1)
CHDO Operating Expense Grant . . . to provide for the payment of operating expenses of community housing development organizations. The housing must be permanent or transitional housing.
24 CFR 92.208 Eligible community housing development organization (CHDO) operating expense
24 CFR 92.208(a) Up to 5 % of the Fund’s fiscal year HOME allocation may be used for the operating expenses of CHDOs. This amount is in addition to amounts set aside for housing projects that are owned, developed, or sponsored by CHDOs as described in §92.300(a).
24 CFR 92.208(a) These funds may not be used to pay operating expenses incurred by a CHDO acting as a subrecipient or contractor under the HOME Program.
24 CFR 92.208(a) Operating expenses means reasonable and necessary costs for the operation of the community housing development organization.
24 CFR 92.208(a) Such costs include salaries, wages, and other employee compensation and benefits; employee education, training, and travel; rent; utilities; communication costs; taxes; insurance; equipment; materials; and supplies.
$5,172,848 and $250,000 is earmarked for CHDO Operating Expense Grants 2018 HOME Award $5,172,848 and $250,000 is earmarked for CHDO Operating Expense Grants
CHDO Operating Expense Grant RFAs issued annually, usually summer Current RFA permits grant request up to $50,000
24 CFR 92.208(a) . . . the agreement must provide that the community housing development organization is expected to receive funds for a project within 24 months of the date of receiving the funds for operating expenses . . .
RFA Highlights Does your organization currently have an active project(s) funded with CHDO funds? Does your organization anticipate the submission of an application within the next 24 months?
RFA Highlights The Applicant must demonstrate a current and specific need for Grant Program funds in order to mitigate obstacles that interfere with the CHDO's ability to attain its affordable housing development goals.
RFA Highlights Since HOME CHDO Operating Expense Grant funds are not guaranteed from year to year, describe your organizational plan to eliminate the need for CHDO Operating Expense Grant funds over the next 24 months.
Proposed project information RFA Highlights CHDO certification Proposed project information
RFA Highlights Request grant amount for reimbursement of Salary, Benefits (limited to 7.65% of salaries), Education/Training, and Travel.
HOME and HTF Mailing List More information HOME and HTF Mailing List
More information Cathy Colby Senior Manager - HOME and HTF Programs 304-391-8663
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