Assessment To help children move on to new learning To inform future planning of teaching and learning Teacher assessment is ongoing in the classroom It is based on day-to-day assessment Sometimes assessments are planned so that teachers can observe children’s abilities.
Assessment At the end of Year two the teachers make a final judgement of children’s abilities against the National Curriculum attainment targets in: Speaking and listening Reading Writing (including handwriting and spelling) Maths Science Teacher judgement is based on the work that children have completed throughout the year
How do we assess? Statutory assessments include: •Phonics Screening year 1 and some year 2s. •Reading, Writing and Spelling tasks and tests. •Maths tasks and tests. •Speaking and Listening. •Science.
Attainment National Curriculum attainment targets levels Below National Expectations Working towards level 1(P Scales) Level 1 Level 2c Within National Expectations Level 2b Above National Expectations Level 2a Level 3
Attainment Levels Level 2 is divided into three grades 2a, 2b, 2c. At the end of Year Two most children are expected to achieve level 2b. Children who achieve level 2c may not achieve level 4 when they are 11. Most children are expected to achieve level 4 at the end of Year 6 in the junior school. Children who attain level 1 will probably require further support in the junior school Children who are judged to be ‘working towards level 1’ may have specific learning needs
Pupils working above National Expectations. Attainment Levels Pupils working above National Expectations. Some children attain level 2a or level 3. Year two children who attain level 3 may only have just reached that level. Level 3 is not divided into grades, but if it were, the Year Two children at level 3 would have been graded as 3c. If your child should receive a level 3 they will be expected to continue working at that level for sometime in the juniors as the National Curriculum levels become more complex. Children will have to work further at level 3 in the juniors before attaining level 4
Assessments for 2015 Tasks for less able children (Level 1 or below) English Comprehension (level 2 or level 3) Spelling Two writing tasks one longer, one shorter – teachers assess the outcome Mathematics (level 2 or level 3)
How will I get my child’s results? Reporting whole school results The School will also provide a summary of the school’s results for your child’s age group. This summary will also be published in the school’s brochure An Individual children’s report We will send a report telling you what National Curriculum levels your child has attained based on teacher assessment. This will be placed in your child’s Annual Report from the teacher.
Changes to Assessments 2016 The tests will cover English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling, and mathematics at key stages 1. The tests will be externally set but internally marked. Instead of a national Curriculum level, children will be given a standardised score. Teachers will be advised how long each test will take, although this will not be strictly timed.
Test Assessments Tests given to children relate to the work they have covered in the classroom Teachers assess children in small groups in the classroom For maths the teachers can read the questions to children if necessary
Key dates KS1 SATs testing May 2015. Phonics screening will take place during the week beginning 15 June 2015. End of year report for children in Year 1 and Year 2 sent out by the end of the summer term. These will include phonics screening results (if taken) and teacher assessment levels informed by SATs.
How can you help your child? •Practise spellings and high frequency words. •Reading daily using a range of materials –not just the school reading books. •Practise maths skills. •Do fun things together. eg. cooking, going for walks, planting and growing, making puppets etc. •Attendance and punctuality. •Early nights –plenty of sleep.