LEHIGH FACULTY COMPENSATION COMPARISON USING AAUP 2014/2015 DATA Frank R. Gunter PhD frg2@lehigh.edu 14 September 2015 11/15/2018
Summary of 2014/15 Faculty Compensation Changes Relative to “Group of 14” LU Associate and Assistant Professor Salaries decreased while Full Professor Salary was roughly unchanged LU Associate and Assistant Professor Compensation increased while Full Professor Compensation was roughly unchanged Eleventh year of Assistant/Associate Salary compression LU 2014/15 Assistant/Associate Salary ratio is 0.97 LU broke 0.95 in 2004/05 AAUP (Cat. I) ratio is .87 and “Group of 14” ratio is 0.88 For the seventh year in a row, the average female Assistant Professor was paid more than the average male Assistant Professor 11/15/2018
2014-2015 Lehigh Faculty Pay (Excludes Lecturers and Professors of Practice) Salary Compensation Number Full Professors (Since 2013/2014) $147,000 (3.2%) $189,400 (3.3%) 198 (1.0%) Associate Prof $98,200 (2.7%) $129,600 (4.0%) 133 (-2.3%) Assistant Prof $95,000 (0.3%) $123,500 116 (5.5%) Average All Professors $114,000 (2.6%) $148,200 (3.6%) Wage Bill $51.0 million (3.9%) $66.2 million (4.7%) Total: 447 (1.1%) Increase from previous year is average over average. This tends to be less than the raise for continuing faculty. To have the 14 School Compression of .87 would require Lehigh Associate Professor Salaries increase of $XX to $XX. Inflation: 0.2% 11/15/2018
2014-15 Lehigh Compensation and Budget Faculty All LU Employees Ratio Fac/All Number 447 1,705* 26.2% Salary (Growth from 2013/14) $51.0 million (3.9%) $166.4 million (6.3%) 30.6% Benefits $15.2 million (7.8%) $50.6 million (3.3%) 30.0% Total Compensation $66.2 million (4.7%) $217.0 million (5.6%) 30.5% Ratio Total Comp to Total LU Expenditures 14.5% 47.5% Faculty count is tenured and tenure track Full, Associate, and Assistant faculty only. It excludes (in 2014/15): 45 Professors of Practice, 8 Lecturers, and 6 Visiting Faculty. Total LU 2014/15 Expenditures: $456.6 million *75% effort 11/15/2018
Salary Compression: Ratio of Asst Salary to Assoc Salary Lehigh U. 14 Schools 311 AAUP Doctoral U. 1992/93 .82 .83 .84 2010/11 1.02 .87 .86 2011/12 1.00 2012/13 1.01 .88 2013/14 .99 2014/15 .97 Lehigh U. salary compression broke .95 in 2004/05. Lehigh continues to experience severe salary compression between Assistant and Associate salaries. We are an statistical outlier among Doctoral universities. 11/15/2018
History of Comparison Group Trustees established the 14 School Comparison Group in October 1978 and canceled it in October 1990 “Lehigh University is committed to making every effort, consistent with sound financial management to attain, and then maintain…average compensation by appropriate disciplinary field and by rank of the following reference universities.” Boston University, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell-Endowed, Duke, MIT, Penn State, Princeton, RPI, Rutgers, Stevens, Tufts, U. of Pennsylvania, U. of Rochester and U. of Virginia. The Administration has proposed multiple replacements for the “14 School” comparison group but all but one were abandoned within three years of adoption. The exception is the annual CUPA/HR comparison. The Administration claims that this is a valuable tool for ensuring that Lehigh is competitive in salaries and benefits. However, the Administration limits sharing the actual comparisons of the CUPA/HR with Lehigh salaries by rank and field. 11/15/2018
Backup Slides 11/15/2018
Trends: Full Professor Salary 1992/93 2014/15 Lehigh University $75,600 $147,000 AAUP Doctoral Quintile (%) 1(85%) 2(75%) AAUP Ranking - All Categories 32nd 63rd Running Mates Santa Clara U. & U. of Rochester Penn State U – Main (I) & U NC – Chapel Hill (I) Of course, senior faculty in engineering and business tend to receive higher pay then senior faculty in other fields. However, there is only one university above Lehigh in the list that has a greater proportion of its faculty in either engineering or business than Lehigh. In other words, using this table makes Lehigh’s situation look better than it actually is. Running mates: Schools with roughly the same average salary as Lehigh. 11/15/2018
Trends: Associate Prof Salary 1992/93 2014/15 Lehigh University $54,400 $98,200 AAUP Doctoral Quintile (%) 1(90%) 2(70%) AAUP Ranking - All Categories 38th 85th Running Mates Notre Dame & Cornell U. U CA – Davis (I) & U Mass – Boston (I) Growth in average salaries for Lehigh Associate Professors has lagged growth of Full and Assistant salaries at Lehigh. In 2007, for the first time, average Associate Professor salaries at Lehigh moved into the third or middle quintile of the Associate Professor salaries of the US Doctoral (Category I) schools in the AAUP survey. They returned to the second quintile in 2011/12. 11/15/2018
Trends: Assistant Prof Salary 1992/93 2014/15 Lehigh University $44,500 $95,000 AAUP Doctoral Quintile (%) 1(86%) 1(85%) AAUP Ranking - All Categories 45th 35th Running Mates Rutgers - Brunswick & U. of CA, Berkley Notre Dame (I) After dipping into the AAUP second quintile In 2007, average Assistant Professor salaries at Lehigh returned to parity with the “Group of 14” schools in 2010/11. In 1992/1993, the average Lehigh Assistant Professor’s salary was among the top 5% of all Doctoral Universities in the US. 11/15/2018 12 12