Japan TC Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee Liaison Report As of October 30, 2015
Outline I&CC Japan TC Chapter Leadership Current I&CC Japan TC Chapter Structure Document Review Summary SNARFs and Ballots Task Force Updates Meeting Information Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
I&CC Japan TC Chapter Leadership Co-chairs Takayuki Nishimura / SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Mitsuhiro Matsuda / Hitachi Kokusai Electric Advisor Mitch Sakamoto / Self Technical Architect Hiroshi Kondo / Murata Machinery Tadashi Mochizuki / Tokyo Electron Technical Editor TBA Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC 3
Current I&CC Japan TC Chapter Structure Advisor M. Sakamoto (Self) I&CC Japan TC Chapter T. Nishimura (SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions) M. Matsuda (Hitachi Kokusai Electric) Technical Architect H. Kondo (Murata Machinery) T. Mochizuki (Tokyo Electron) Technical Editor TBA Equipment Information System Security (EISS) TF M. Sakamoto (Self) JA I&CC Maintenance TF M. Matsuda (Hitachi Kokusai Electric) H. Ogihara (Reno Sub-Systems) Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF I&C Committee: M. Matsuda (Hitachi Kokusai Electric) PI&C Committee: S. Mashiro (Tokyo Electron) Silicon Wafer Committee: T. Nakai (SUMCO) Packaging Committee: S. Masuchi (DISCO) Traceability Committee: H. Tsunobuchi (KEYENCE) Sensor Bus TF H. Ogihara (Reno Sub-Systems) 各々の説明を入れる SEMICON/J の委員会で ・・・ これらのTFは活動がないので解散することにしました。 GEM 300 TF Y. Takasaki (SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions) Y. Toyoshima (Hitachi High-Technologies) Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Document Review Summary at Japan Standards Spring 2015 Meetings Cycle 3 -2015 Doc # Description Japan Chapter Action 5828 Line Item Revision to SEMI E170-0215 “Specification for Production Recipe Cache (PRC)” and SEMI E170.1-0215 “Specification for SECS –II Protocol for Production Recipe Cache” LI 1 Introduce Secured Recipe Space and revise messages Passed as balloted LI 2 Passed as balloted Superclean LI 3 Clarify MaxNumber and MaxTime LI 4 Change APPENDIX 1 to related information *Doc. #5828 had been published as E170-0815 and E170.1-0815. Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Document Review Summary at Japan Standards Fall 2015 Meetings Cycle 6 -2015 Doc # Description Japan Chapter Action 5829 Line-item Revision to SEMI E171-0515: SPECIFICATION FOR PREDICTIVE CARRIER LOGISTICS (PCL) and SEMI E171.1-0515 SPECIFICATION FOR SECS-II PROTOCOL FOR PREDICTIVE CARRIER LOGISTICS LI 1 Correct editorial errors in Table 24 ‘CLJ State Transition Table’ Passed as balloted LI 2 Correct editorial errors in Table 16 ‘CFJ State Transition Table’ LI 3 Improve expression of CFJ Event definition Failed and returned to TF for rework LI 4 Improve CLJ Event definition LI 5 Correct Table A2-1 ‘Transitions and States’ Passed as balloted Superclean LI 6 Align mnemonics used in E171.1 to E171 LI 7 Remove ObjType of CLJ from CFJ Event parameters Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Approved SNARF by GCS on June 2, 2015 Doc # Description TF 5888 Revision to SEMI E170-0815 “Specification for Production Recipe Cache (PRC)” and SEMI E170.1-0815 “Specification for SECS –II Protocol for Production Recipe Cache (PRC)” GEM300 TF Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Approved Revised SNARF at Japan Standards Summer 2015 Meetings Doc # Description TF 5829 Line Item Revision to SEMI E171-0515 “Specification for Predictive Carrier Logistics (PCL)” and SEMI E171.1-0515 “Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Predictive Carrier Logistics” GEM300 TF Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Approved SNARF revision by GCS on October 14, 2015 Doc # Description TF 5601 New Standard: Specification for Wafer Job Management GEM300 TF Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Ballots to be reviewed at Japan Standards Winter 2015 Meetings in conjunction with SEMICON Japan 2015 Cycle 8 - 2015 Doc # Description TF 5829A Line Item Revision to SEMI E171-0515 “Specification for Predictive Carrier Logistics (PCL)” and SEMI E171.1-0515 “Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Predictive Carrier Logistics” GEM300 TF 5888 Revision to SEMI E170-0815 “Specification for Production Recipe Cache (PRC)” and SEMI E170.1-0815 “Specification for SECS –II Protocol for Production Recipe Cache (PRC)” Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Task Force Updates [1/6] Equipment Information System Security (EISS) TF Access control with RBAC (Role Based Access Control) is now discussing. The discussion items: Access Control General Discussion RBAC - Issues SEMI Standards - Issues Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Task Force Updates [2/6] Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF T7 issues Traceability Japan TC Chapter assigned following up activity for T7 to Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF Section 2.1 (T7 adoption of non-silicon materials) Figure 3 small modification M20 coordinate system (based on negative to 5752 [withdrawn]) TF decided to delete all position specifications from SEMI T7 because position specifications are also described on SEMI M1 and other related Silicon Standard. SNARF was approved by GCS. (SNARF 5890) Document 5890 to be adjudicated at the next JA TC Chapter meeting of Traceability TC in conjunction with SEMICON JAPAN 2015. Others Silicon: Give up to develop new Standard for 450mm Development Wafer with fiducial mark Assembly and Packaging: Discussing backend alignment issues with introducing fiducial mark wafer. Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Task Force Updates [3/6] GEM 300 TF #5829: Line Item Revision to E171 and E171.1 Draft Document #5829 was reviewed at the Japan Fall TC Chapter Meeting Line item #1,#2, #5, #6 and #7 were passed Line Item #3 and #4 was failed and sent to TF for rework Draft Document #5829A is submitted to 2015 Cycle 8 Re-Ballot modified line item #3 and #4 Some small changes are added as new line items. To be Reviews at the next Japan TC Chapter meeting conjunction with SEMICON Japan. Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC 13
Task Force Updates [4/6] GEM 300 TF (cont’d) #5888: Revision to E170 and E171 Submitted to 2015 Cycle 8 To be adjudicated at the next Japan TC Chapter meeting in conjunction with SEMICON Japan. #5601: New Standards for “Wafer Job Management” Change concept “Wafer Object” to “Wafer Job” Revision SNARF is approved by GCS. Plan to submit #5601A at 2016 Cycle 1 or Cycle 2. Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC 14
Task Force Updates [5/6] JA I&CC Maintenance #5615: Revision to SEMI E98: “Provisional Specification for Object-Based Equipment Model” and SEMI E98.1 “Provisional Specification for SECS-II Protocol for The Object-Based Equipment Model” To remove “provisional” and work in progress SEMI E153-0310 “Specification for AMHS SEM (AMHS SEM)” Technical revision is not required by review Pending due to SML and SML notation issue SEMI E99-1104E (Reapproved 0710) “The Carrier ID Reader/Writer Functional Standard: Specification of Concepts, Behavior, and Services” and SEMI E99.1- 1104 (Reapproved 0710) “Specification for SECS-I and SECS-II Protocol for Carrier ID Reader/Writer Functional Standard” SNARF to be prepared The activity of SEMI E107-1102 (Reapproved 0710) “Specification of Electric Failure Link Data Format for Yield Management System” Action is now considering. (Revision / INACTIVE / …) Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
Task Force Updates [6/6] Sensor Bus TF No activity Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC 16
Meeting Information - Japan TC Last Meeting – Japan Fall 2015 Meetings: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 13:30-17:00 @ SEMI Japan Office, Tokyo, Japan Next Meeting – Japan Winter 2015 Meetings in conjunction with SEMICON Japan 2015: Friday, December 18, 2015 10:00-17:00 @ Tokyo Big Sight Conference Tower, Tokyo, Japan Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC 17
Schedule for I&CC Japan TC Chapter Meetings Winter in December 18, 2015 (tentative) in conjunction with SEMICON Japan 2015 Spring in April 2016 Summer in June 2016 Fall in September 2016 Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC
End of I&CC Japan TC Chapter Liaison Report Thank You! For more information, please contact Chie Yanagisawa at SEMI Japan (cyanagisawa@semi.org) Japan TC Chapter of I&C GTC 19