Upgrade of LXe gamma-ray detector in MEG experiment


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Presentation transcript:

Upgrade of LXe gamma-ray detector in MEG experiment Daisuke Kaneko, ICEPP, Univ. of Tokyo, on behalf of the MEG collaboration Abstract We are searching for the μ → e +γ decay in MEG experiment at Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, and already updated the most stringent upper limit for the branching ratio. In order to achieve to higher sensitivity, we are planning to upgrade of the experiment, where an upgrade of the liquid xenon gamma-ray detector is included. It was turn out by simulation, that energy and position resolution will be significantly improved especially for events γ-ray convert at shallow part of detector. It is needed to develop MPPCs which are available in MEG detector, because conventional MPPC have little sensitivity to VUV range photon, from xenon scintillation. μ → e +γ decay MEG experiment muon beam positron bent by COBRA magnet Stopping target μ → e +γ is a good probe for new physics, because cLFV is suppressed in SM. B ~ O (10-50) Many theories such as SUSY-GUT predict μ → e +γ in the reachable branching ratio. B ~ O (10-12 ~ 15 ) Performed in PSI (Switzerland) in pursuit of most intense DC μ-beam Signal is 52.8MeV γ-ray and 52.8MeV e+ emitted back-to-back. γ-ray → Liquid Xenon Detector positron → Drift Chamber (tracker) → Timing Counter Main back-ground is accidental event, occasionally coincident γ& e+. Therefore, good resolution is needed to achieve high sensitivity. Latest physics result → H.Natori’s talk Positron Spectrometer upgrade→ M.Nishimura’s poster cLFV search has a long history, but no signal has been observed yet. S. Antush et al. JHEP, 11:090, 2006. Expectation of μ → e +γ branching ratio , from SUSY-seesaw model. recent θ13 measurement Achieved Upper Limit and Aiming Sensitivity Goal 2.4×10-12 → 6×10-13 → 6×10-14 Phys. Rev. Lett., 107:171801, 2011 Current UL (90% C.L.) Goal of 1st stage of MEG Aimed in next stage ← feature of COBRA magnet e+ quickly swept out. (left) Radius independent from angle,(right) Expected performance LXe detector upgrade concept Energy resolution is expected to significantly be improved. → Position resolutions improve especially event such that γ convert near to incident surface. ↓ Detection efficiency improve by about 10%. Replace current 2” PMT with ・MPPC ・Smaller, square PMT ・Flat panel PMT Modification in lateral PMT arrangement ・Slant angle    for better uniformity ・Wider inner face    reduce energy leakage PMT MPPC γ MPPC Package drawing MPPCs on PCB CG image Cross-section of PCB Arrangement for detector inner surface Depth [cm] position resolution [mm] Horizontal Red : PMT Blue : MPPC MPPC (12mm) Requirement for Upgrade Commercial MPPCs don’t have sensitivity to xenon scintillation light (λ~178nm) Developing with Hamamatsu Result of UV sensitive MPPC Test PDE(photon detection efficiency) measurement Gain is calculated from 1p.e peak charge, and corrected by removing effect of optical cross-talk & after-pulse. charge 1 p.e. 2 p.e. 3 p.e. pedestal charge If C.T or A.P occur, charge of 1 p.e. event become larger. Testing Facility ↑ Flashing LED at very low intensity. Difference from poisson statistics is effect from C.T. & A.P . xenon chamber refrigerator gas xenon recovery tank control panel getter Test bench used in LXe Sample MPPCs are mounted on board and immersed in liquid xenon. PMT, LEDs for calibration and Pt-100 RTDs also attached. Temperature dependence “F” type “G” type “H” type Thermal noise could be reduced at low temperature. Typically, dark count rate is few Hz in LXe temp:165K. Shift of Break-down voltage and quench resistance by temperature are observed. 102kΩ 272kΩ Xenon handling system Resistance obtained by fitting I-V curve with MPPC model function. 3x3 mm DAQ with DRS We take waveform with waveform-digitizer DRS4, the same system as MEG experiment. Currently, the most sensitive MPPC sample have ~10% PDE at nominal operation voltage.