Herbert Hoover’s Response to the Great Depression
After the Crash…
After the crash… Hooverville outside of Seattle 1932
After the Crash…
After the Crash…
After the Crash…
Continuing Policy of Laissez Faire Tried to maintain confidence in the economy Tried to reassure Americans that things weren’t so bad. Tried to convince Americans that conditions would improve soon. Asked business to take voluntary action. For example, business made promises to not cut wages (however, many did eventually) Insisted that state & local governments and private charities should give direct aid to people. RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM VOCAB TERM.
Limited Government Action 1929: Agricultural Marketing Act Created a Federal Farm Board to work to help stabilize prices Program failed 1930: Construction of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) on the Colorado River Created jobs 1932: Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Gave federal money to help business like large industries, railroads and insurance companies Gave money to banks so they could make loans Later, gave money to states to give people direct aid
Restless Peoples’ Reaction In 1932, many people were dissatisfied with Hoover and “hunger marches” popped-up across the nation. Dec. 5, 1932, 1,200 assembled in Washington, D.C and chanted “feed the hungry, tax the rich”. Stung by low crop prices, farmers burned their crops and spilled their milk to avoid selling at a loss and to create a food shortage, which would drive prices for crops higher. (Pg. 671)
Belgian farmers in 2009 spray 3 million gallons of milk to protest low milk prices.
South Korean farmers protesting the low price of milk in 2011.
Were American farmers justified in making their point that way during the Depression???
Bonus Army’s Disatisfaction Congress had voted in 1924 to pay WWI Veterans a “bonus” for their retirement When the Depression hit, WWI Veterans hoped the government would pay the bonus early 17,000 Veterans (& their families) came to Washington, D.C. in 1932 to ask Congress to pay them now Camped in a “Hooverville” Nicknamed the “Bonus Army” June 1932: Congress voted to NOT pay Many veterans left, but about 2,000 stayed Pres. Hoover sent the army to clear out the Hooverville The army used gas and violence to make the veterans leave Hundreds were injured, a few people died
Men prepare to leave Oregon for Washington DC to demand payment for fighting in WWI, 1932
Members of the Bonus Army camp within sight of the Capitol, 1932.
Troops prepare to evacuate the Bonus Army July 28, 1932
Shacks, put up by the Bonus Army on the Anacostia flats, Washington, DC, burning after the battle with the military, 1932. The Capitol building can be seen in the background.
Hoover’s Response Summary While Hoover eventually took some action, it was “too little, too late”. Hoover was blamed for not doing enough to deal with the Depression. Hoover didn’t stand a chance of winning the election in 1932.
Good Hoover or Bad Hoover? After hearing about Hoover’s upbringing, philosophy of govt. and what he did, please choose one of the following to do: Make your argument through… a) Write a rap, poem, or jingle. b) Write a wanted ad for a new president. c) Make two bumper stickers with a catchy slogan. - Both have to be GOOD or BAD, you are making a decision. What ever you choose make sure that it shows why he was good or bad. DUE Friday Feb. 3rd