“The Stories Julian Tells: My Very Strange Teeth”


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Presentation transcript:

“The Stories Julian Tells: My Very Strange Teeth”

Do Now Use notebook paper. Write the sentence.

Do Now Use notebook paper. Write the sentence.

double around penny painful answer apple later homework really station pigtail daytime braided

Words to Know “My Very Strange Teeth” suddenly seriously fastened squawked lonely cartwheel

Prior Knowledge and Purpose “My Very Strange Teeth" I can recount the plot details in a text. Target Skill: Theme Prior Knowledge and Purpose “My Very Strange Teeth" What is a baby tooth? What do you want to know? What is your reason for reading “My Very Strange Teeth”? To show mastery, using Graphic Organizer and evidence from text, keep track of important details about the plot and characters. What will you be doing?

I can recount the plot details in a text. What is PLOT? Plot is what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a fiction book. Beginning: Characters and setting are introduced and the problem starts to be evident. Middle: The story climaxes and the problem is at its peak. End: The solution is presented.

I can recount the plot details in a text. I do: Read pages 46-48 Beginning Day 1: Who are the characters? Put on G.O. Day 1: What was the beginning of the problem? Put on G.O. Day 2: 1. Which of Julian’s teeth is coming out? p. 47 Day 2: 2. What is the first way Julian’s father says they can help get his tooth out? P.47

I can recount the plot details in a text. I do: Read pages 49-51 Middle Day 1: What was the first part of the problem? Put on G.O.

I can recount the plot details in a text. I do: Read pages 52-54 Middle/End Day 1: What was the peak of the problem? Put on G.O. Day 2: 3.Why does Julian have to stand over the bathroom sink when he pushes on his tooth? P.52 Day 2: 4.What did Julian decide on page 53? Day 2: 5.What does Julian’s mom say he could eat with his 2 teeth in the space of one? P.54

I can recount the plot details in a text. I do: Read pages 55-57 End Day 1: What was the solution to the problem? Put on G.O. Day 2: 6. Why did Julian say “OW!” again after he ate the apple? P.57

I can recount the plot details in a text. Close Theme: Responsibility:__________________________ . . I Do We Do . We Do They Do . You Do .

I can recount the plot details in a text. M: E: M: M: E: PROBLEM SOLUTION B: B: E:

Stations: I can recount the plot details in a text. Teacher Computer: Writing Listening Comprehension Library Word Study Vocabulary