WU WK#19 Monday 5/23/16 CW: a) place a check mark next to each sub-topic for TOPIC & CAREER b)Practice CFP Presentation & make necessary corrections to PPT c) email me PPT 10 minutes before the bell HW: a) RN: Holt p 416-420 b)Practice presentation WU
WU WK#19 Tuesday 5/24/16 CW: a) CFP Presentation OR audience OR POGIL: Naming Acids and Bases (NAaB) p1-2 HW: a) if you presented: POGIL: NAaB p1 b) If you did not present: POGIL: NAaB p3 WU
HW: a) complete Table of Contents Lab Notebook-turn in tomorrow WU WU WK#19 Wednesday 5/25/16 CW: a) CFP Presentation OR audience OR POGIL: Naming Acids and Bases (NAaB) p 2-3 HW: a) complete Table of Contents Lab Notebook-turn in tomorrow WU
WU WK#19 Thursday 5/26/16 CW: a) Alien Juice Bar HW: a) RP: Gases p WU
WU WK#19 Friday 5/27/16 CW: a) RP:Gases p HW: a) RP: Gases p WU