Becoming a Force for Good Module 5 The Force for Good Challenge FACILITATOR NOTES Print the notes page view of this presentation for reference during the class session Present the PowerPoint slides via a projector or monitor to students using SLIDE SHOW viewing mode
Becoming a Force for Good Mission & Objectives TEACHER Mission Building champions for social justice Objectives Reinforce the importance of diversity Identify actions that may lead to injustice Challenge students to stand for justice (Module 5) Encourage the adoption of habits that support social justice (Module 5) Charts that have the TEACHER INDICATOR in the upper left corner are not intended for student viewing (Teacher discretion)
AGENDA Module 4 Slides Create a postcard highlighting a new habit 4 TEACHER Module 4 Slides Create a postcard highlighting a new habit 4 Making new habits part of a daily routine 5 - 8 A challenge to track habits with a scorecard 9 -10 Reflection 11 Charts that have the TEACHER INDICATOR in the upper left corner are not intended for student viewing (Teacher discretion)
Force for Good Habits Create a postcard highlighting one of your new habits Postcard example (Kelly’s 10th habit) Consider sharing your postcard with someone that you think does a good job of living this habit FACILITATOR NOTES Supplies required Index cards or other paper Markers Other art supplies (optional) Attempt to get 100% of class to create a postcard
Source: YouTube Videos Power of Habits Video demonstrates how repetition is critical to establishing a habit Source: YouTube Videos FACILITATOR NOTES The video clip demonstrates that once our habits are established, they become part of our “routine” Habits become something that we do without thinking about it, like a natural reaction
Group Discussion Forming A New Habit You’ve chosen 5 new personal habits that you will need to work at making part of your everyday routine. Creating a new habit requires that you repeat the desired actions over and over until the track in your brain is firmly established. It then becomes a normal part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth! Discuss how you develop habits by making them a “routine”. FACILITATOR NOTES Its important that students feel comfortable in sharing their perspectives with the group. Make sure that everyone that wishes to speak is heard.
For each of your new habits, think of a few: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” ― Mahatma Gandhi For each of your new habits, think of a few: Thoughts Words Actions that you would reinforce your new habit FACILITATOR NOTES This is intended to be a personal exercise for each student to apply to their own list of 5 habits This exercise is continued on the next side- providing students more guidance on how to accomplish this task
How to “Trigger” Your Habit Routine Group Discussion How to “Trigger” Your Habit Routine DISCUSS Example habit: Have the courage to do the right thing Thoughts I should make an effort to intervene when someone is being made fun of or is excluded Words “I think your new glasses are cool” Actions Inviting someone different to my lunch table FACILITATOR NOTES Students need to consider what circumstances, words, or other things that might “trigger” them to put a new habit into action Talk through the thoughts, words and actions used to illustrate how someone might implement the selected habit Ask students to share an example with one of their habits This insight will help students make a new habit part of their routine behavior A trigger is something that tells your mind to start the habit routine.
Be a Force for Good in the World Take the Challenge: Be a Force for Good in the World Making your habits last Add your top 5 habits to your scorecard Take time every day to track how well you put each habit into practice using the color chart below: The purpose of tracking each habit is to help you focus on improving Continue tracking your habits for 5 WEEKS to complete the challenge! Right on Target! Almost nailed it Needs improvement FACILITATOR NOTES Student Handbooks Required for scorecard Includes pre-printed scorecard sheets Colored markers or pencils Includes colored stickers Red Green Yellow Have each student prepare scorecards for the 5 week challenge Emphasize the importance of completing the challenge – and Becoming a Force for Good in the World
Tracking Your Habits FACILITATOR NOTES Reinforce the importance of participating in the challenge by reading the quote from Brian Stevenson: “Somebody has to stand when other people are sitting. Somebody has to speak when other people are quiet.”
Reflection Make sure to update your scorecard each day based on how YOU think you have put your habits into action Share your scorecard at home and discuss why you chose to mark one of your habits as red, yellow or green FACILITATOR NOTES Encourage students to become a force for good in the world by being a champion for social justice!