Summer Behavior Institute Intensive Focus on Behavioral Theory Day 1 Brandi Simonsen, Adam Feinberg, Jen Freeman, & Susannah Everett
Foundational Elements Practice Purpose: to build fluency with key vocabulary and behavioral concepts that we will use throughout the week Step 1: Go to and create a free account Step 2: Create online flash cards of key vocabulary and definitions Step 3: Work with a peer to double check your definitions Step 5: Practice your new vocabulary Step 5: Add to your set of flashcards throughout the week
Step 1: Create online flashcards Go to Create a free account and sign in
Step 2 Create a New Study Set Add Vocabulary and Definitions to your set Push Create (after your material is entered)
Step 3: Check your work with a peer Share your set with a peer (via email or manually) and review definitions for accuracy and completeness
Step 4: Practice! Share your set with a peer (via email or manually) and review definitions for accuracy and completeness
Step 5: Add to your set throughout the week! Share your set with a peer (via email or manually) and review definitions for accuracy and completeness
Suggested Critical Vocabulary Respondent Behaviors Law of Effect Law of Exercise Operant Behaviors Independent Variables Dependent Variables Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) Setting Event Antecedent Discriminative Stimulus S-Delta Sd Minus Behavior Consequence Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment Extinction Function of Behavior
Suggested Advanced Vocabulary Science 3 Purposes of Science Description Prediction Control 6 main Attitudes of science Determinism Empiricism Experimentalism Replication Parsimony Philosophic Doubt Positivism Functionalism Evolution and Animal Psychology External Condition Inner Condition ABA Principals Applied Behavioral Analytic Technological Conceptual Systems Effective Generality Motivating operations Establishing operations Abolishing operations