4.0 Markets and Applications
Training Overview Introduction to Greenfox Core Concepts of Sirius Different Sirius models Market Segments and Applications Sizing for solar applications Module Operation and Specifications
Markets and Applications This document’s focus is what we have learnt working with Sirius and how unique points of Sirius can help you open various market segments. We are going to share our learnings in the following markets Telecommunications Data Centers Regeneration applications
Telecommunications Temperature problems Problems that network operators are facing Theft Lead acid batteries void warranty if Tbat > 25°C Generator maintenance high due to C10 Batteries are stolen for 2 major reasons. The first and major reason is the raw materials. The batteries are taken to recycling stations where they get the value for the scrap lead. The second is that they are being shipped into neighboring countries where they are used as normal 12V batteries in various applications. The battery has virtually no scrap value. The bulk of the battery is made from graphene and paper. These two components hold very little scrap value. The Telco batteries have built in theft protection. When a battery is removed from site the safety activates and becomes a almost impossible to reactivate. Temperature problems Lead acid battery manufacturers void the warranty if the battery goes above 25°C. Network operators need to install temperature measurement devices and prove that the battery has not been above 25°C in order to get a warranty on a unit. With Sirius, no only is the load of the AC removed from the battery during a power outage, but the AC is no longer required as the rest of the equipment is fine to operate with free-cooling. Sirius can operate between -25°C and 85°C.
Telecommunications Generator Maintenance Problems that network operators are facing Theft Lead acid batteries void warranty if Tbat > 25°C Generator maintenance high due to C10 Generator Maintenance Lead acid batteries life gets impacted significantly when they are drawn below 60% DoD. In order to get the batteries past 85%, you need to run absorption for about 2hours. The entire process to charge lead acid properly takes around 10hours for a full charge. So 60% to 100% will take about 4hours. The problem is the generator is idling from 85% up. On average a generator need to be serviced once every 30-45 days for generator sites. Sirius can be drawn to 0% and charged in 45minutes. With generators the service intervals @ 500hrs are now as fat as 8 months apart, compared to monthly or bi-monthly with lead acid.
Data centres Weight loading HVAC Problems that Data Centre operators are facing Weight loading on building HVAC energy consumption on battery floor due to internal heating Safety hazard should batteries explode Weight loading Lead acid batteries are very low energy density. Many of the data center buildings are multiple floors where ground level is reserved for parking. This means the batteries need to be installed on a floor level 1 or higher. There are two serious safety factors, the first is the weight loading of the building, the second is fire and explosion hazard. Again the usable energy for lead acid is 40%, this results in a very large and heavy battery bank with a small capacity. Sirius allows you to utilize 100% of the energy. Compared to Lead acid, your usable energy is 430% higher. The energy density of Sirius is around 15kg/kW.h compared to Lead at 64kg/kW.h @ 40% DoD. HVAC Lead is around 70% efficient. The 30% that is lost is lost as heat. This has to be extracted out of the building to prevent battery life degradation and warranty issues, including flammable hydrogen forming at higher temperatures. Sirius is 99.1% efficient. This means you can switch off the HVAC on that floor. No chemical process means no flammable gas forming.
Data centres Safety Hazards Problems that Data Centre operators are facing Weight loading on building HVAC energy consumption on battery floor due to internal heating Safety hazard for fire and explosion Safety Hazards Lead acid in enclosed environments need to be monitored for flammable gasses. The temperature has to be controlled accurately. Hydrogen gas created from a battery bank at high temperature has the ability to flatten an entire building. Both Lithium and lead are explosion and fire hazards. Sirius do no have any chemical instability. It will not spontaneously combust when it comes in contact with air. Actually, nothing will happen. Even if a Sirius unit is overcharged, the capacitors pop their caps off and that is the end of it. No fires, no explosions. The worst thing that a Sirius supercapacitor can do is hiss and smoke.
Regeneration Applications Problems that Data Centre operators are facing Slow C-rates results in massive storage requirement in order to absorb energy High cycle requirement for regeneration applications Slow C-rates of existing technology Due to the long charge times of existing technologies it is impossible to capture all the energy required in regeneration applications cost effectively. Sirius makes this business case viable. Regeneration of kinetic energy in trains and cranes was just not possible or feasible. With the extremely high power density of Sirius, you can now store the kinetic energy requite to stop a train on a down hill or the kinetic energy released by lowering a container at the port. The energy generation process is seldom longer than a couple of seconds. The expected cycle life for cranes offloading a port or trains shipping inland are in excess of 120 000 cycles per year. Sirius is expected to do 328 cycles every single day. Most chemical batteries would not have enough theoretical cycles to last a week. Sirius will be tested to the core. If there are any skepticism around the capabilities of Sirius, this would most definitely clear any doubt. To reach 1million cycles in 10 years. After a month Sirius would have complete more cycles than any chemical battery could.
Market Segments to think about Historical battery users Data Centres Telecommunications Golf Cars Fork Lifts Marine Solar Personal Mobility Underground & Mining locomotives Solar Streetlights Trains Demand reduction (Peak shaving) New Possibilities Air Travel Electric Vehicles Regenerating energy for cranes Regenerating energy for trains Regenerating energy for underground shaft cages Marine Travel Traffic Lights National Grid support