Jeff Nesler Senior Program & Web Manager LinkedIn
Collegiate ECHO Judge Summary “Thank you, awesome judges!” We want to acknowledge and thank every judge for participating in the Collegiate ECHO program. We couldn’t do this without your support! Thank you for your support of marketing education and Marketing EDGE.
Fossil’s Challenge in Brief Create an omni-channel marketing campaign to drive Fossil Q Smartwatches sales. $5 million Target 18-35 men/women 2nd half of 2018; fall and holiday campaigns Pg. 1-2 of Rules booklet contains the specific RFP “ask”: – See Client Brief/Official Rules button Judges’ Brief:
Scoresheet: Deliverables MAIN SECTION: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1 page) EXECUTIVE PROPOSAL (up to 10 pages) APPENDICES (up to 25 pages) include research documentation detailed budget creative samples forecast results of the marketing campaigns STRATEGIC SUMMARY CHART ( up to 3 pages) – 2 columns: Key Market Research findings, and corresponding Marketing Strategies. VISUAL SUMMARY (Either a PowerPoint – 20 slides max OR a video – 2-3 minutes) – visual presentation to the client summarizing the above. Narrated PPTs OK but must be downloaded to hear the narration. VIDEO ADVERTISEMENT TO CONSUMERS (no more than :45; ideally :15 - :30)
Scoresheet: additional items... Overall Campaign Cohesiveness and Professionalism Honorable Mention Nominations 1 Market Research 2 Marketing Strategy 3 Creative Strategy 4 Media Plan 5 Budgeting / ROI 6 Video to Consumers 7 Executive Summary 8 Visual Summary 9 Innovation (visit the link 2 slides ago to see what this means…) 10 Other:
Comments! Scoresheet: Strengths Areas for Improvement Additional space for you to elaborate, comment on a particular area, etc.
Submitting the Scoresheet Your email from Submittable contains the entry numbers for your review, and the link to get to them In the recording I discuss the “Filters” – if entries are not showing in the dashboard it might be a “Filter” issue that you can change. Next to each entry is the online scoresheet. When you’ve completed the online scoresheet it’s a good idea: to download a copy for your records, reference, and to have backup in any contingency. Save As Draft the first 2-3 entries as there will be a basis for comparison. You may want to go back and change comments or scores. NOTE: when you Save a Draft, Marketing EDGE does not see the review. Finalize: when you’re ready to show your scores and comments to Marketing EDGE. If you’ve finalized but still want to make changes, let me ( or message via the platform) know, I can reopen the review for editing.
Useful Links Client Brief/Official Rules): Scoresheet review: Past winning campaigns (to get an idea of the caliber):
Questions? Challenge questions: Jeff Nesler, or 212.790.1525. Technical; log in, seeing entries; etc. and cc Jeff above. Have fun! And, thank you!