How Do Clouds Form? Warm air rises and cools As the rising air cools, it becomes saturated (because cool air can’t hold as much water vapor) When the air is saturated, the water vapor changes to a liquid or a solid, depending on temperature
Cumulus Clouds Cumulus clouds are white, puffy clouds, usually with flat bottoms
Stratus Clouds Stratus clouds are clouds that form in layers. Stratus clouds cover large area of the sky and often block out the sun. They are caused by a gentle lifting of a large body of air Fog is a stratus cloud that forms near the ground
Cirrus Clouds Cirrus clouds are thin, feathery white clouds found at high altitudes Cirrus clouds form when the wind is strong
Cloud names Scientists attach prefixes and suffixes to cloud names to tell more about them Attaching -nimbus or nimbo- to a cloud name means that cloud is likely to produce precipitation. Attaching cirro- to a cloud name means it forms at a high altitude. Attaching alto- to a cloud name means it forms at a middle altitude.
What type of cloud is this? Cumulus
What type of cloud is this? Mostly Cirrus, Few Cumulus
What type of cloud is this? Stratus
What type of cloud is this? Cumulonimbus
What types of clouds are these? Cumulus, Altostratus, Cirrus
What type of cloud is this? Nimbostratus