Anne-Marie Côté and Jeremy Solomon, Statistics Canada


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Presentation transcript:

Anne-Marie Côté and Jeremy Solomon, Statistics Canada Completing Surveys on Mobile Devices Is a traditional electronic questionnaire enough? Anne-Marie Côté and Jeremy Solomon, Statistics Canada November 11, 2016

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Outline Canadian Census 101 Mobile strategy for the 2016 Census Qualitative study using mobile devices Results of the qualitative study Results of the Census Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Canadian Census 101 Last Census: May 10, 2016 More than 15 million dwellings Majority receive an invitation letter Self-reported (via Internet or paper) 2 types of questionnaires Short questionnaire 75% Long questionnaire 25% Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Mobile strategy for the 2016 Census Electronic Questionnaire Generation System platform to create online questionnaires Should we also develop an app for mobiles? Option quickly put aside Is using the EQGS on a mobile browser a viable option? Tests conducted with EQGS Visual and data entry Usability (phone and tablets) Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada New version of EQGS Uses new open source libraries Twitter Bootstrap Better libraries for mobile (industry standards) Has a responsive design that adapts to screen size (large, medium, small/tablet, phone) New look Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Census questionnaire (desktop) Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Census questionnaire (smartphone) Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Census questionnaire (tablet) Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Is it possible to complete a Census electronic questionnaire on a mobile device? Qualitative interviews with general population Testing in a facility with free Wi-Fi Participants’ own device Long questionnaire Camera to see the mobile screen Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Qualitative study Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Results of the study It is possible to fill out a Census questionnaire on a mobile device! Larger households more complicated Age (and speed) of a device was a factor in the ease of completion Different behaviour for tablet vs. phone Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Results of the study Good menu icon All French participants were able to switch language Mobile keyboard Alphabetic keyboard in numeric fields Drop-down list vs. write-in Auto-correct and auto-fill Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Census results Internet response rate of 68.3% Of the Internet responses obtained 79.6% desktop/laptop (including touch-screen) 12.9% tablet 7.5% smartphone Gaming devices and TV devices were negligible Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Conclusion Is a traditional online questionnaire enough? Yes and No Adaptive design is VERY helpful Next steps Analysis Quality evaluations Tablet and smartphone respondents’ profile Completion time Implementation of the adaptive design to other Statistics Canada questionnaires Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018

Thank you / Merci For more information, please contact: Pour plus d’information, veuillez contacter : Anne-Marie Côté Jeremy Solomon Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 15/11/2018