Personality and Character Development “The well-developed, well-integrated personality is the highest product of evolution, the fullest realization we know of in the universe.” - Julian Huxley (1957)
PERSONALITY the expression of one’s response to heredity and environment. the sum of all characteristics exhibited over the long term, including talents, interests, habits, perceptions, attitudes, heredity, and experience, which makes a person a distinctive individual.
IDENTIFICATION & INTROJECTION (STUFF WE TEND TO DO) Identification: is the imitation of behaviours (language, mannerisms, dress and attitudes) of people we trust. We identify with the people we admire and imitate observed behaviours that appear to work for other people. Introjection: is the unconscious absorption of ideas, emotional attitudes, standards, and ideals from people. It includes concepts or religion, political preferences and prejudices.
Freud’s Id and Ego: the ego suppresses many of the impulses (coming from the id) that are not socially approved. Ex: considering the feelings of another person before stating an opinion. Or….. Holding back when you feel like lashing out Doing the right thing lets your superego give you feelings of pride or satisfaction
Kurt Lewin’s Theory of Self Personality Theories Kurt Lewin’s Theory of Self People have 3 aspects to their personality: the personal, social and ideal self. Blending of the 3 “sub-selves” is required to adjust and be stable. Personal: Individual’s perception of self (attitudes, beliefs, impressions, habits and values.) Social: Projected image of self that person wants others to perceive. (perceptions, attitudes, and feelings about self in relation to others) Ideal: Individual’s image of what he or she wishes to become. (attitudes, beliefs, impressions, habits and values.)
Personality Theories Carl Jung’s Theory INTROVERTS & EXTROVERTS: (Neither is better than the other... It is believed that we all have some of both personality types.) Introverts are: Shy, anxious around others, tend to withdraw from social situations. Direct much of their energy into themselves and ordinarily prefer solitude. Extroverts are: Highly sociable and enjoy being with others. Center most of their energy into the surrounding world. Both personality types can have added characteristics, which are used to classify many traits to describe people a bit more in depth: see Myers-Briggs:
Comparison of Introverts and Extroverts General Characteristics Like to be alone or with close friends Need time alone before being able to be with other people again Thinking Abilities Value ideas, images, dreams Often interested in ideas for their own sake Feeling Types Keep feelings to themselves Internalize problems and assume them as a burden Intuition Visionaries and dreamers who draw from their own hidden resources General Characteristics Love to be and seek opportunities to be with people “feed” off others, gather energy from being with others Thinking Abilities Abound in management and some forms of science Feeling Types Share their feelings with others and are deeply interested in other people Intuition Enter new relationships with great gusto Move quickly from one interest to another
….OR…. According to Gary Larson……