Ge/Ay133 Can we study extrasolar Kuiper Belts? b Pic, A5V star AU Mic, M1Ve star Ge/Ay133
Impossible to see any exo-KBOs themselves, but…
How do we find debris disks? Spitzer Data (FEPS team) Model has 0.1 Mmoon of 30 mm size dust grains in a disk from 30–60 AU Bars are 3 s Model based on disks around A stars Meyer et al., ApJS, 154, 422
What have far-IR SED surveys found?: Overall decay consistent with erosional evolution, fluctuations dominated by large collisions? Rieke et al., ApJ, 620, 1010
Kalas, Graham, & Clampin – HST, Nature, June 2005 So, when rings are seen around >10 Myr old stars… the dust must be made in place. CSO/HST have reached similar conclusions about structure of the disk around Fomalhaut and how it is generated. Is there a planet required to maintain it (Kalas et al. 2008)? Kalas, Graham, & Clampin – HST, Nature, June 2005 Marsh et al. – ApJ, Feb. 2005
IRAM Plateau de Bure 1.3 mm Vega arcsec Wilner et al. 2002 arcsec
Vega simulation – Marc Kuchner (GSFC)
What about “exo-zodii’s? That is, dust in ~1 AU range? Rare! Only one convincing case so far, in large aperture searches. Need to get closer to the star…. Beichman et al., ApJ, 626, 1061
Keck Interferometer
What about gas? Most searches negative, but “right” tracers (H2, C II) difficult to observe Sharp rings suggestive of small amount of gas Falling evaporative bodies? (next page)
FEBs = Falling Evaporative Bodies See transient redshited absoprtion against stellar continuum. Evaporating comets? For the brightest sources (e.g. b Pic), you can actually image things like Na I line emission and map the disk.
Next time: What can comets tell us about the early S.S.? Kuiper plot Deep Impact (Comet Tempel 1) Comet Hale-Bopp