The Northern Renaissance The “Rebirth” spreads throughout Europe
Development of the Renaissance 1300-1600 The Middle Ages Trade Expands Merchants gain wealth/power City-States develop Individualism Secularism Humanism New “modern” society
The Northern Renaissance Late 1400’s Northern Europe recovered from plague & Hundred Years’ War Italy was ruled by city-states England & France ruled by strong monarchs Renaissance ideas began to spread north to England, France, Germany & Flanders
Monarchs & the Renaissance Northern Kings supported artists during Renaissance War in Italy caused artists & writers to flee to northern Europe Northern Renaissance developed its own unique style
The Printing Press Gutenberg invented the printing press 1440 The Bible was the first book printed [1455]
Books Change the World By 1500 presses in 250 cities printed 9-10 million books End result: New ideas spread more quickly than ever before Writing in vernacular languages increase
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Christian Humanists Desiderius Erasmus Thomas More Wrote In Praise of Folly Thomas More Wrote Utopia
“Never again would western men be so occupied with the nature of the next world that they would be unattentive to the nature of this one” Society was developed a: 1) Interest in classical culture 2) Curiosity about the world 3) Belief in Human Potential