Changes at the end of the Middle Ages Countries begin to unify under centralized rule Exposure to others parts of the world Crusades– Europeans exposure to advanced Islamic civilization Increased trade Universities became centers of learning Remember that the Byzantine and Islamic Empires had preserve the works of Ancient Greece and Rome
Will led to four massive cultural movements Europeans will change in the way that they view the world and themselves Will led to four massive cultural movements Renaissance Reformation Scientific Revolution Enlightenment
Renaissance Rebirth in learning Possible due increase in global trade Challenge medieval values Causes interest in western expansion Help to develop a commercialized economy New wealth enable some to become patrons of the arts Medici family Will begin in Italy Why Center of trade Reminders of classical traditions
Medieval Europe – major concern was salvation For many life was just something to be suffered through on the way to heaven. Rediscover of ancient texts stressed Personal accomplishment Personal happiness Shift from focus on afterlife to here and now
Humanism Focus on life now Humankind as the center of intellectual and artistic attempts To celebrate human achievements Develop their talents through politics, sports and arts Focus on individualism Ok to be different Important because the focus on individuality leads to a reduction in the authority of institutions Nothing wrong in appreciating wealth
Humanist thought education important for improvement Open school that taught Humanities Greek, Latin, history and philosophy Important because- begin to replace the clergy as teachers of the wealthy
Impact of Renaissance Merchant became more capitalist Banking techniques improved New political forms Exchange of ambassadors and diplomacy Political unity and religion no longer sought
Renaissance paintings Religious and secular Combine both Christian and humanist elements Subjects lifelike Anatomy correct Realism so important that some artist will even participate in autopsies Proportions Gestures and expressions Perspective three dimensional
Catholic church will be a big supporter of the arts Sistine Chapel Domes on Catherdals
Northern Renaissance Movement will spread to northern Europe Flanders Paintings religious motivated Focus more on religion than in Italy Symbolic objects Biggest contribution was in the area of literature
Printing press with moveable type in western Europe Gutenberg Faster and cheaper to print Papermaking- Skills received from Arabs who got it from Chinese Trade routes Vernacular Native language Increase literacy– more demand for books First books and pamphlets Practical or political in nature
Machiavelli The Prince impact because Analyze the politics of Renaissance Italy How to book for monarchs to maintain power Rulers should be ready to use force and deceit to hold power State should be all powerful impact because Suggest monarchy should be distinct from church That leader should act purely in self-interest of the state
Christian Humanists Moral guidelines in Christian tradition that people should follow as they pursue of their personal goals. Erasmus Praise of Folly Satire over the wealth of the Renaissance Popes Sir Thomas More Utopia Ideal society in which everyone shared wealth
William Shakespeare Montaigne Most famous European writers Works reflect humanism Focus on character strengths, flaws Comedy and tragedy Montaigne Created new literary form called essay