Food and Television
Agenda Finish Food Porn discussion Discuss blog #2 Food and TV discussion Homework: Work on blog post Be prepared to discuss your initial analysis in class on Tuesday to a partner
Blog Post #2 Go to assignment
In Rodriguez’s article, she mentioned the catchphrase “camera eats first”. Does this catchphrase hold any truth? If so, does taking pictures of food take any part of enjoying the food away, or does it make eating the food even more enjoyable?
Eating habits How does the spread of food porn influence our diet? When we are constantly bombarded with images of decadent and luxurious foods do we tend to gorge, buy healthier and local options, or do we continue to eat out?
Is this art? Should it be copyrighted?
Rhetorical Analysis of Bud Commericial
Julia Childs “spectacle of domesticity”
Emerald Lagasse Performing masculinity in the feminized space of the kitchen.
The Slacker Milkshake Audience Data