If you had problems with the verification code yesterday, try this… Log in to your Google account. Go to Blogger.com and get to this page & click here Select “Old Blogger interface”
Select “Create Your Blog Now”
Name your blog The Blog title can be changed at any time The Blog address (URL) cannot be changed. You must be original when forming your URL. First, I tried cassiesspace.blogspot.com, but someone already has that URL. So, I tried “thespaceofcassie” and it worked. Avoid using your full name for your URL…keep your identity to yourself!
Choose a template (the design). You can change this at any time.
Start blogging!
Title each post. You will be typing all your portfolio pieces into this blog. Give each a title. You may want to include the portfolio # for organizational purposes. Label it “portfolio” - You will label your posts so those with the same label can be grouped together…so Mrs. Woodliff can read all your portfolios at once instead of searching through your blog for them. Click “Publish Post”
When finished typing your first post, click “View Post” Then print, put your name on it, and turn it in.