.NET 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 WCF, WPF, WF, CardSpace, LINQ, Task Parallel
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
WCF: Windows Communication Foundation For distributed applications. Using service oriented architecture (SOA). Clients can consume multiple services; Services can be consumed by multiple clients. (M:M) Services have WSDL interface. WCF examples: WSS (Web Services Security, extension to SOAP to apply security to web services), WS-Discovery (Web Services Dynamic Discovery, a multicast discovery protocol to locate services),
WCF: Windows Communication Foundation Endpoints: client connects to a WCF service at an Endpoint, each service exposes its contract via endpoints. End point ABC: address, binding, contract WCF endpoints use SOAP envelope to communicate with clients (for platform independence). Behaviors allow the developer to customize how the messages are handled.
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
WPF: Windows Presentation Foundation Graphical subsystem. Based on DirectX 2D and 3D graphics, vector graphics and animation Remote or standalone Safe remote view with IE. Uses XAML to define UI elements. XAML: eXtensible Application Markup Language
Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
WF: Windows Workflow Foundation Workflow: a series of distinct programming steps. An activity at each step. Workflow Designer in Visual Studio. Workflow engine: scheduling, managing, tracking workflows. To create applications that execute an ordered business process (UA curriculum proposal approval system).
Windows CardSpace
Windows CardSpace Identification metasystem. Resistance to phishing attacks Follow the “7 laws of identity” (User Control and Consent, Minimal Disclosure for a Constrained Use, Justifiable Parties, Directed Identity, Pluralism of Operators and Technologies, Human Integration, Consistent Experience Across Contexts) To be replaced by U-Prove.
LINQ Language Integrated Query
Embedded SQL in C# as strings StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); builder.Append ("select count(*) from users " + "where username = \'"); builder.Append (username); builder.Append ("\' and pwd = \'"); builder.Append (password); builder.Append ("\';"); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand (builder.ToString (), connection); Int64 count = (Int64) command.ExecuteScalar ();
LINQ: Language Integrated Query var results = from c in SomeCollection where c.SomeProperty < 10 select new {c.SomeProperty}; foreach (var result in results) Console.WriteLine(result);
Task Parallel
Parallel Extensions Managed concurrency library TPL: Task Parallel Library PLINQ: Parallel LINQ Multithreading based. Take advantages of muti-core (Intel) and many core (Nvidia GPU)
That’s all. Folks.
Edward Heyne
Tim Reynolds
Project Presentation