Muscles of the Face, Neck and Shoulders NVQ Level 2 Beauty Therapy Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Clare Hargreaves-Norris Why do we have muscles? Muscles are responsible for movement of or within the body. Within the face they produce facial expressions. They are also responsible for maintaining posture and producing heat to maintain the body temperature. The majority of the muscles in the body are attached to bones by tendons, however the muscles of the face tend to insert into each other. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Characteristics of Muscles Muscles are made up of tiny elastic fibres that have the ability to: shorten or contract spring back to its original form after contraction - like elastic stretch when relaxed respond to stimuli provided by nerve impulses Clare Hargreaves-Norris
The face, neck and shoulder muscles Frontalis Corrugator Temporalis Orbicularis oculi Masseter Levator labii superioris Zygomaticus Buccinator Orbicularis oris Risorius Mentalis Sterno-cleido mastoid Triangularis Platysma Trapezius Pectoralis Deltoid Clare Hargreaves-Norris Task Label the diagram of the muscles of the head, face, neck, shoulders and chest.
Muscles of the Forehead Position Action Frontalis x1 Forehead. Lifts the eyebrows which cause horizontal creases to appear. Corrugator x1 In between the inner Eyebrows, over the nasal bone. Draws the eyebrows together, as in frowning. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Clare Hargreaves-Norris Muscles of the Eyes Muscle Position Action Orbicularis oculi x2 Round muscle that surrounds the eye. Closes the eyes and can cause wrinkles at the corner of the eye. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Muscles of the Sides of the Face Position Action Temporalis x2 Extends over the ears, down to the corner of the jaw. Raises the jaw when we chew – this is known as mastication. Masseter x2 Extends downwards and backwards from the jaw, in the lower cheek area. Lifts the jaw and exerts pressure on the teeth - mastication. This is the muscle that causes jowls in later life. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Muscles of the Cheeks and Mouth Position Action Zygomaticus x2 Extends upwards, diagonally from the corners of the mouth. Pulls the corners of the mouth upwards and out as in smiling. Levator labii superioris x2 Runs upwards from the upper lip. Lifts the upper lip and assists in opening the mouth. Risorius x2 Runs horizontally in the cheeks from the corner of the mouth. Pulls the corners of the mouth sideways as in grinning. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Muscles of the Cheeks and Mouth Position Action Orbicularis oris x1 Round muscle that surrounds the mouth and forms the lips. Purses the lips and closes the mouth as in kissing or whistling. Buccinator x2 Deep muscle that forms the main part of the cheeks. Maintains tension in the cheeks and used when blowing. Depressor anguli oris (triangularis) x2 Runs downwards from the lower lip. Draws the corner of the mouth downwards producing a sad expression. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Clare Hargreaves-Norris Muscle of the Chin Muscle Position Action Mentalis x1 Lies over the chin. Lifts the skin of the chin and turns the lower lip outwards. Expression of doubt. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Clare Hargreaves-Norris Muscles of the Neck Muscle Position Action Platysma x1 Starts at the chest and covers the neck up to the mandible. Pulls the jaw and lower lip down. Causes the neck to wrinkle. Expression of horror. Sterno-cleido mastoid x2 Runs down on an angle from each side of the neck to the collar bone. Flexes the neck, rotates the head from side to side and bows the head forward. Clare Hargreaves-Norris
Muscles of the Shoulders & Chest Position Action Trapezius x1 A large kite shaped muscle that covers the back and sides of the neck, shoulders and upper back. Elevates and depresses the shoulders. Also draws the head backwards. Pectoralis (major and minor) x2 Covers the chest. Draws the arm in towards the chest. Deltoid x2 Caps the shoulder joint. Lifts, extends and rotates the arm. Clare Hargreaves-Norris