Chapter 6 OXIDATION Professor Masoud Agah ECE Department
Introduction Si is unique in that its surface can be passivated with an oxide layer layers are easily grown thermally Layers can be deposited The Si/SiO interface is the most carefully studied interface in all of science/engineering it has few defects It is stable over time Its mechanical and electrical properties are almost ideal they adhere well They block diffusion of dopants They are resistant to most chemicals used in the process They can easily be patterned and etched with specific chemicals or dry etched with plasmas
Introduction Thermal oxide properties: Amorphous (why?) Density: 2.27g/cm3 Dielectric constant: 3.9 DC resistivity @ 25C: 1016-cm Energy gap: 9eV Thermal conductivity: 1.3W/mC Refractive index: 1.46 Melting point: 1700C Molecular weight: 60.08 Molecules: 2.3x1022/cm3 Specific heat: 1J/gC Film stress: Compressive 0.2-0.4GPa Etch rate: BHF 100nm/min
Introduction MOS structures are easy to build and devices are reliable and stable Oxide is used for several applications Gate dielectric Mask against ion implantation or diffusion For isolation of various lateral regions As insulator between various metal layers
Introduction Key oxide issues are summarized by the NTRS in the following table Note that most of the issues deal with very thin gate oxides (< 10 nm) The last two rows in the table deal with thicker oxides used for masking and back end processing
NTRS Roadmap
Introduction Si will oxidize at room temperature to form a layer 0.5 - 1 nm (5- 10 Å) thick very quickly The reactions slows and stops with layers 1 – 2 nm thick after a few hours The oxide depends on the surface treatment and structure
Introduction The most critical application is the gate oxide These layers are now 3 – 5 nm thick (25-50 atomic layers thick) They are projected to be < 1 nm in a few years It is remarkable that we can build layers like this in the tens of millions per device and they all work (are defect-free) and will sustain about 50% of the theoretical breakdown voltage of the bulk material (10 – 15 MV/cm) Their thicknesses must be controlled to about the level of 1 atomic layer
Introduction It is going to be harder and harder to control these structures Oxynitride films are likely to be part of the solution When films get this thin, we have to deal with QM tunneling (i.e., the finite probability the and electron can pass trough a barrier that is higher than its energy) Tunneling is usually undesirable, but some devices are now built using this phenomenon (nonvolatile memory)
Introduction We need to recall that we can deposit oxide and oxynitride layers via CVD or LPCVD This is essential for those parts of the process where we have covered all the Si and there is no path for Si from the wafer to the oxidizing interface Deposited layers are usually thicker than thermal layers because we cannot control the thickness as well If we properly anneal deposited layers, we can get electrical properties that are almost as good as those of thermally gown oxide layers
Basic Concepts It has been demonstrated several times over the past 30 years that the oxide grows by diffusion of oxygen/H2O through the oxide to the Si/SiO2 interface Thus, a new interface is continuously growing and moving into the Si
Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts The process involves an expansion since the density of an equal volume of Si occupies less space than a volume of oxide containing the same number of Si atoms Nominally, the oxide would like to expand by 30% in all directions; but it cannot expand sideways because it is constrained by the Si atoms Thus, there is a 2.2 expansion in the vertical direction In figure 6-4, note the growth of the LOCOS oxide above the surface Also note the “bird’s beak” of oxide under the nitride layer
Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts If there are shaped surfaces where oxide must grow, this expansion may not be so easily accommodated The oxide layers are amorphous (i.e., there is only short range order among the atoms) There are no crystallographic forms of SiO2 that match the Si lattice The time required for transformation to a crystalline form at device temperatures is very very long
Basic Concepts The oxide that grows is in compressive stress This stress can be relieved at temperatures above 1000C by viscous flow There is a large difference in the TCE between Si and SiO2 The increases the compressive stresses in the oxide and results in tensile stresses in the Si near its surface The Si is very thick while the oxide is very thin; the Si can usually sustain the stress Since the wafer oxidizes on both sides, the wafer remains flat; if you remove the oxide from the back side, you will see a warping of the wafer The stress can be measured by measuring the warp of the wafer
Basic Concepts The electrical properties of the Si/SiO2 interface have been extensively studied To first order, the interface is perfect The densities of defects are 109 – 1011 /cm2 as compared to Si atom density of 1015 /cm2 Most defects are associated with incompletely oxidized Si Deal (1980) suggested a nomenclature that is now used to describe the various defects (Read it in the textbook)
Defect Nomenclature (read in textbook)
Defect Nomenclature (read in textbook) There are four type of defects Qf is the fixed oxide charge. It is very close (< 2 nm) to the Si/SiO2 interface It is about 109 –1011/cm2 It is related to the transition from Si to SiO2 It is positive and does not change with under normal conditions
Defect Nomenclature (read in textbook) Qit is the interface trapped charge It appears to be due to incompletely oxidized Si It is very close to the interface It may be positive, neutral, or negative It’s charge may change during device operation due to the trapping of electrons or holes Energy levels associated with these traps are distributed throughout the forbidden band, but there seem to be more near the valence and conductions bands The density of traps is 109—1011 cm-2 eV-1 (about the same as for Qf)
Defect Nomenclature (read in textbook) Qm is the mobile oxide charge It is not so important today but was very serious in the 1960’s It results from mobile Na+ and K+ in the oxide The shift in VTH is inversely proportional to COX and thus, as oxides become thinner, we can tolerate more impurity
Defect Nomenclature (read in textbook) Qot is charge trapped anywhere in the oxide These seem to be related to broken Si-O bonds in the bulk oxide (well away from the interface) The bonds may be broken by ionizing radiation or by some processing steps such as plasma etching or ion implantation They are normally repaired by a high-temperature anneal They can trap electrons or holes This is becoming more important as the electric field in the gate oxide is increased They result in shifts in VTH
Defect Nomenclature (read in textbook) All four types of defects have deleterious effects on the operation of devices High temperature anneals in Ar or N2 near the end of process flow plus an anneal in H2 or forming gas at the end of process flow are used to reduce their effect
Manufacturing Methods Oxidation systems are among the simplest of semiconductor processing equipment They require An oven capable of 600 – 1200 C with a uniform zone large enough to hold several wafers A gas distribution system to provide O2 and H2 A control system that holds the temperatures and gas flows to tight tolerances (0.5 C)
PRODUCTION FURNACES Commercial furnace showing the furnace with wafers (left) and gas control system (right).
PRODUCTION FURNACES Close-up of furnace with wafers.
Models The first major model is that of Deal and Grove (1965) This lead to the linear/parabolic model Note that this model cannot explain the effect of oxidation of the diffusion rate the oxidation of shaped surfaces the oxidation of very thin oxides in mixed ambients The model is an excellent starting place for the other more complicated models
CHEMICAL REACTIONS Native SiO2 produced on surface is a high quality insulator and good diffusion barrier Process for dry oxygen Si + O2 SiO2 Process for water vapor Si + 2H2O SiO2 + 2H2
OXIDE GROWTH Si is consumed as oxide grows and oxide expands. The Si surface moves into the wafer. Original surface 0.54 Xox SiO2 0.46 Xox Silicon wafer
MODEL OF OXIDATION Oxygen must reach silicon interface Simple model assumes O diffuses through SiO2 Assume no O accumulation in SiO2 Assume the rate of arrival of H2O or O2 at the oxide surface is so fast that it can be ignored
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation J Distance from surface, x N No Ni Silicon dioxide SiO2 Si Xo Fick’s First Law of diffusion states that the particle flow per unit area, J (particle flux), is directly proportional to the concentration gradient of the particle. We assume that oxygen flux passing through the oxide is constant everywhere.
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation Assume the oxidation rate at Si-SiO2 interface is proportional to the O concentration: The growth rate is given by the oxidizing flux divided by the number of molecules M of the oxidizing species that are incorporated into a unit volume of the resulting oxide:
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation The boundary condition is The solution of differential equation is
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation xox : final oxide thickness xi : initial oxide thickness B/A : linear rate constant B : parabolic rate constant There are two limiting cases: Very long oxidation times, t >> xox2 = B t Oxide growth in this parabolic regime is diffusion controlled. Very short oxidation times, (t + ) << A2/4B xox = B/A ( t + ) Oxide growth in this linear regime is reaction-rate limited.
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation At short time B/A is the linear rate constant Process is controlled by the reaction at the Si surface (111) Si (100) Si 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 Temperature (0C) B/A (mm/hr) 1000/T (K-1) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 H2O (640 torr) EA = 2.05 eV Dry O2 EA = 2.0 eV
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation At long time B is the parabolic rate constant Process is controlled by diffusion of O through oxide 1100 1200 1000 900 800 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 B(mm2/hr) 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 1000/T(K-1) Temperature (0C) H2O (640 torr) EA=0.78eV Dry O2 EA=1.23eV
Oxide as a Diffusion Barrier Diffusion of As, B, P, and Sb are orders of magnitude less in oxide than in silicon Oxide is excellent mask for high-temperature diffusion of impurities Diffusion time (hr) Mask thickness (mm) 1200 C 1000 C 1100 C 900 C B P 10 Boron Phosphorus 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Deal-Grove Model Predictions Once B and B/A are determined, we can predict the thickness of the oxide versus time
Deal-Grove Model of Oxidation
Other Models A variety of other models have been suggested, primarily to correct the deficiencies of the Deal-Grove model for thin oxides These include The Reisman power law model The Han and Helms model with parallel oxidation paths The Ghez and van Meulen model to account for the effect of oxygen pressure Some of these models do a much better job for thin oxides None are widely accepted
Other Topics Several topics other than the simple planar growth of wet and dry oxide are important These include Thin oxide growth kinetics Dependence on oxygen pressure Dependence on crystal orientation Mixed ambient growth kinetics 2D growth kinetics These topics are covered well in the text
Example: 2D Growth Kao et al did an elegant set of experiments where he built various shapes on Si using RIE They then oxidized the structures
Example: 2D Growth
Example: 2D Growth
Example: 2D Growth There are several interesting observations There is significant retardation of the oxide growth in sharp corners The retardation is more pronounced for low temperature oxidation than for high temperature oxidation Interior (concave) corners show a more pronounces retardation that exterior (convex) corners
Example: 2D Growth
Example: 2D Growth Several physical mechanisms are needed to understand these results Crystal orientation Oxidant diffusion Stress due to volume expansion Kao et al suggested changes to the linear-parabolic (Deal-Grove) model to correct for these effects Most of these effects are built into the modeling software such as SUPREM IV and ATHENA
Measurement Methods The parameters of interest include Thickness Dielectric constant and strength Index of refraction Defect density There are three classes of measurement Physical (usually destructive) Optical (usually nondestructive) Electrical (usually nondestructive)
Physical Measurements Simple step height technique (DekTak) Etch away oxide with HF Use a small stylus to measure the resulting step height The resolution is <10 nm More complex technique uses one or more of the SFM concepts (AFM, MFM, etc) Technique has atomic resolution SEM or TEM (electron microscopy) All require sample preparation that makes the tests destructive and not easy to use in production
Optical Measurements Most optical techniques use the concept of measuring reflected monochromatic light If monochromatic light of wavelength shines on a transparent film of thickness x0, some light is reflected directly and some is reflected from the wafer-film interface For some wavelengths, the light will be in phase and for others it will be out of phase We will get constructive and destructive interference Minima and maxima of intensity are observed as is varied
Optical Techniques
Optical Measurements Instrument from Filmetrics (
Optical Measurements The positions of the minima and maxima are given by m=1,2,3… for maxima and ½,3/2,5/2,… for minima This is called reflectometry and works well for thicknesses over a few 10s of nm
Optical Measurements If one does not know n, or if the film is very thin, then ellipsometry is better Devices from Woollam are good
Optical Measurements Here, one uses polarized light One can get the index of refraction as a function of wavelength as well as the absorption Can measure thickness to <1 nm
Electrical Measurements (read in textbook) These methods are powerful because they measure properties of direct interest to the performance of the devices The dominant techniques is the C—V measurement The basic structure for the measurement is the MOS capacitor The usual combination is Si-SiO2-(Al or pSi) Any conductor-dielectric-semiconductor can be used