EARTH’S HISTORY- the guiding Rules
Unit Objectives: What you need to know Guiding Rules to understanding the age of the Earth and the differenced between absolute and relative time Understand how fossils form Understand geologic time, Recognize common organisms from the 4 geologic eras
Principle of Uniformitariasm What happens now (the present) also happened in the past Plate tectonics Erosion Deposition Volcanism
Principle of superposition Each sedimentary rock layer is put down in an undisturbed sequence The oldest layers are on the bottom The youngest layers are on the top
Principle of Faunal Succession sedimentary rock layers contain fossils of plants and animals these fossils succeed each other vertically (like the principle of superposition) Oldest fossils in the bottom sedimentary rock layers youngest fossil layers in the top sedimentary rock layers for example -A fossilized dinosaur bone will never be found in the same stratum as a fossilized trilobites
Relative Dating Techniques Relative dating places events or rocks in their sequence of occurrence. Oldest layers of sedimentary rock and fossils on the bottom youngest layers of sedimentary rock and fossils on the top
Crush unweathered rock sample Absolute dating/radiometric dating places events or rocks at a specific time. Separate minerals Run minerals through a mass spectrometer REVIEW