Limb muscles Muscles of the limb function in: movement grasping balance
Color Key: Purple: Muscles that move the arm Orange: Muscles that move the forearm Brown: Muscles that move the hand
Anterior superficial muscles of the shoulder and arm
Posterior superficial muscles of the arm Extensor digiti minimi 14
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Color Key: Teal: moves the thigh Gray: moves the lower leg Pink: moves the foot
Anterior superficial muscles of the leg Which muscle do you think is associated with a pulled groin? Adductor magnus, Adductor longus, gracilis Why do you think there is an * next to numbers 8, 9,10? Part of the quadriceps group
Posterior superficial muscles of the leg What is special about the gluteus maximus? It is the largest muscle of the body. Why is there an * next to numbers 18,19 and 20? They belong to the hamstring group.
Click on the picture to watch a tutorial on leg muscles
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