Robert Gray Hannah Baldridge
Life of Explorer Captain Robert Gray, a Yankee trader, was born in Rhode Island in 1755. In his early twenties he served in the navy during the Revolutionary. He died in 1806 in Charleston.
Who sent the Explorer Commissioned by Boston merchants
Where and When the Exploration Took Place On September 28, 1790 Gray sailed from Boston on another expedition to the Northwest coast. After wintering over, Gray sailed arrived at Clayoquot, the American trading post on June 5,1791. Gray sailed as far north as Portland channel where some of his men were murdered by hostile Indians. His son was among those slain.
What the Explorer Did Capt. Gray had become the first American to circumnavigate the globe. By 1789 the ships were anchored in Nootka sound. Capt. John Kendrick was at the helm of the Columbia and captain Robert Gray was in charge of lady Washington . Kendrick and Gray spent two seasons gathering furs on the coast.
Importance of the Exploration The voyage want to be long one , around the horn to the pacific and then to China to trade the furs for tea and silk.
Map Of Exploration Route