Sustainability and Statistics in Italy Torino, Italy May 13 – June 6, 2014
Torino, Italy Known as the “Automotive Capitol of Italy” Fiat General Motors (GM) research facility National Automotive Museum of Torino Third largest city in Italy Distances to other cities: Milan ~ 1.5 hrs Florence ~ 3 hrs Venice ~ 4 hrs Rome ~ 4.5 hrs
Politecnico Di Torino Our academic partner and host for the program
Experience Industry tours of: Domori – Chocolate ChemTex – biofuels Mura Mura Farms
Academics Spring 2014 - Take Mat E 394X (3 cr) Topics in sustainability + Italian culture + prep for studying abroad Team taught by Richard LeSar, Alberto Passalacqua (ME) and Raj Raman (ABE). Complete this course with lectures and industry tours in Italy with three PoliTo faculty members. Counts as a tech elective for most majors and toward the sustainability minor. Summer 2014 (May 13 – June 6) 3 weeks in Torino, Italy at Politecnico di Torino Take Mat E 316 (3 cr) - counts as either Stat 305 (AgE, BSE, ME, ChE) or a tech elective (Aero, EE – perhaps CCEE, IE)
Mat E 394X Fundamentals of sustainable engineering (LeSar) biomass productivity (Raman) EROEI (Energy Return On Energy Invested) for the production of a biofuel Life-cycle CO2 emissions of a biofuel. Basics of food and biofuels chemistry (Passalacqua) characteristics of sugars, fats, triglycerides emulsions and suspensions (stability and use of surfactants). Basics of fluid-dynamics: viscosity of liquids. (Dr. Passalacqua) Italy as a case study in sustainability (PoliTO/ISU Faculty) Italian culture and “survival Italian” (Dr. Passalacqua/S. Miner) Preparation for studying abroad in Torino (S. Miner/A. Klocke)
Summer 2014 MAT E 316. Computational Methods in Materials Dr. Larry Genalo (Professor in MSE, ISU) (2-2) Cr. 3. Prereq: MAT E 215 (For this program, completion of Math 165 with C- or better is sufficient.) Use of mathematical and statistical computer tools for materials design and analysis. Applications of statistical principles to problems concerned with materials. Computer-assisted design of experiments. Finish requirements for Mat E 394X Team-taught by faculty from Politecnico di Torino 15-hour module with focus on chocolate manufacturing and biofuel production as paradigms for food and sustainable engineering 9 hours of classroom lectures 6 hours of field visits (chocolate factory and biofuel production plant)
Non-billable subtotal: $2,520.00 Total: $5,453.00 Notes: Budget Item Undergrad (In State) ISU Tuition - Summer * $1,104.00 ISU Fees - Summer * $279.00 Program Fee * $1,550.00 Billable subtotal: $2,933.00 Board (meals) $600.00 Incidentals $300.00 Passport and Mailing $175.00 Airfare $1,200.00 Local Transportation $245.00 Non-billable subtotal: $2,520.00 Total: $5,453.00 Notes: Tuition and fees listed are for engineering junior and senior level students. Tuition amount will vary based on your classification in the college. The program fee listed above includes: housing, two-three day trips, and insurance. Amounts are calculated for an enrollment of 15 students. Fee may change based on student participation. * Billable item
Students (2013) Brendel, Conrad E (CE - environmental) Kitahara, Andrew R (Mat E) Klosterman, Brandon L (Aero E) Mich, Brandon D (Mat E) Murray, Zach (Aero E) Rathjen, Renee L (ME)