Omni Facility Services Quality Inspection Training This module is a controlled document within the Omni Facility Services document control system and falls under the championship of the Quality Assurance Department. Copying, altering and/or reproduction is strictly prohibited without the written consent of 24300 Southfield Road * Suite 220 * Southfield, MI 48075 Welcome to Omni’s training module on Quality Inspections. This module will walk you through the basic principles of how to conduct an inspection using Omni’s multi-part inspection form. This module is a controlled document within the Omni Facility Services’ document control system and falls under the championship of the Quality Assurance Department.
Here is a common sample of a multi-part inspection form Here is a common sample of a multi-part inspection form. We refer to this as “multi-part” since there are multiple forms based on the areas that require inspection. For the remainder of this module we will be looking at the form we use for rest room inspections. Keep in mind, however, that forms for other areas such as general offices, conference rooms, public areas or lobbies and more will make up an overall inspection package for a job site. Since each jobsite is unique we customize our forms for each location that is inspected.
This first step in your inspection is to record the area you are looking at. To do this you need to fill out the top section of your form.
May 16, 2002 8:25 AM First record the date and time of the inspection This is important as a marker for analysis later and is useful in identifying employees who performed the work in question as well as looking for any unique trends.
Administration 2nd Floor R203 May 16, 2002 8:25 AM May 16, 2002 8:25 AM Administration 2nd Floor R203 Next, you will want to record what building you are in … The floor you are on … And what area you are inspecting … Since this is a rest room form you will also need to identify which restroom you are in. For this example let’s assume we are inspecting the men’s room.
8:25 AM May 16, 2002 Administration 2nd Floor R203 Once you have ID’ed where and what you are about to inspect you need to determine what to actually look at. This is already listed for you on the left side of your inspection form under the column labeled “Element” Each section in this column will list areas to look at and items within that area to inspect for cleanliness. In this sample we are looking at EQUIPMENT and specifically such items as hardware, furniture, lockers, piping (which would include toilets, urinals and sink pipes under the counter as well) just to name a few.
8:25 AM May 16, 2002 Administration 2nd Floor R203 As you look at these elements and items you should also look for issues with their cleanliness. These issues are listed to the right of the elements. Each issue listed under the “Code / Cleanliness” column is one possible service issue that you may find with the area and elements you are inspecting. You will notice a letter ‘Code’ to the left of each cleanliness item. This code helps us identify the severity of that item and how to score it. To further explain…not all service issues are created equally. Some issues like service not performed at all may rank higher than say a slight amount of dust.
8:25 AM May 16, 2002 Administration 2nd Floor R203 Each account’s forms are customized to that customer’s expectations, and based on that, each item is assigned its weight, but the weights themselves as seen below remain fixed and only change in reference to the items associated with them. Example: dust on one form may carry a code ‘A’ while on another form it might carry a code ‘C’. We use these weights to determine point deductions for service issues based on a 100 point scale. For example…look at “Marks/fingerprints”. It has been rated a code ‘C’. When you look below you can now determine what points to deduct if you find SLIGHT, LIMITED, WIEDESPREAD or OVERALL marks or fingerprints. The same goes for cobwebs or areas not being cleaned at all. They have been given a code ‘D’ which is the highest demerit code allowed And is seen here at the bottom of the screen. Keep in mind that although the code key remains fixed dusting on one form may have a different code key than dusting on a different form. This is determine by customer input as well as operational input taking into account the decades long experience of Omni’s operational and administrative staff. 50% Complete
-3 ½ 29 ½ 8:25 AM May 16, 2002 Administration 2nd Floor R203 88 ½ % -2 10 -2 13 Now that you understand how we deduct points for service issues you need to know how to record any service issues on your form. This is found in the center of the document. Let’s take a closer look…. As you discover individual service issue, make your deductions in the center column marked “Loss Points” Also when you have completed your inspection of that area’s elements be sure to total you points in the “Score” column as well. Here is how it would look… Note that you may have areas where no points are lost at all. Simple enter a ‘0’ (zero) and continue with your inspection. When you have completed your inspection be sure to place the total score near the top right. -0 7 23 -4 6 -0
Make any special notes in this space or ref. additional page 8:25 AM May 16, 2002 Administration 2nd Floor R203 -3 ½ -2 -0 -4 29 ½ 10 13 7 23 6 88 ½ % Make any special notes in this space or ref. additional page Once you have finished your inspection in your selected area be sure to include any special notes at the bottom of the form and most important Be sure to sign your name to your work. John Q. Inspector
Your sample inspection form is now complete. May 16, 2002 Administration 2nd Floor R203 -3 ½ -2 -0 -4 29 ½ 10 13 7 23 6 88 ½ % Make any special notes in this space or ref. Additional page John Q. Inspector Your sample inspection form is now complete.
To better understand how this form would work let’s take a look at this rest room layout and try “inspecting” an area of it to further help you understand how powerful a tool the inspection form is.
For our sample we will look at rest room fixtures which our form tells us exist at wash basins … Commodes… Showers, which don’t exist in this example … And urinals.
Slight incrustation (2nd sink from entry) around fixtures. As you look at this part of the form Let’s assume that you have noticed that some incrustations have built up around one of the sink fixtures. It is a good idea to make a note of this on your form so operations has a clearer idea of what needs to be corrected. You then need to determine how to score this. Looking at your codes you will notice that incrustations are issues a code ‘D’ Referring back to your key at the bottom of the form … you then need to determine if this issue is a SLIGHT, LIMITED, WIDESPREAD or OVERALL problem. For this example, we will assume this is only a slight problem… And you mark down four points accordingly. And then total your section after finding any other possible issues. You would complete each section of your form in the same manner. Slight incrustation (2nd sink from entry) around fixtures. 23 -4
Including your overall inspection score. 8:25 AM May 16, 2002 Administration 2nd Floor R203 -3 ½ -2 -0 -4 29 ½ 10 13 7 23 6 88 ½ % Make any special notes in this space or ref. Additional page John Q. Inspector Once you have completed each element section under column A your inspection is completed for your selected area and you are ready to move onto the next area with a new form. Don’t forget, however to Sign your inspection… Make sure you entered the inspection date and time, as well as the rest of the top sections of the form… Including your overall inspection score.
Certificate of Completion awarded by Omni Facility Services This certifies that ______________________________________________ has completed the basic training overview of Quality Inspection Training Module number F300-0017 on this ________ Day of ____________, ______________ . name day month year Congratulations! You have now completed this module on Quality Inspection Training. You may print this page and complete the blanks for training documentation purposes. ______________________________________________ Employee signature of completion ______________________________________________ Quality Matters Supervision acknowledgement of completion