Using Pivot and GrantForward to Find Research Funding Stacey L. Smith, PH.D. Director of Research Advancement, OVPR 254-710-3252
LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the workshop, attendees will be able to: ProQuest Pivot Database: Register for Pivot Navigate and manage the Pivot home page Search Pivot funding via Quick Search and Advanced Search; make a Pivot Funding Opportunity active; track an opportunity; share it with others; save a search strategy; tag active and tracked records Claim and search profiles on Pivot GrantForward Database: Register for GrantForward Navigate and manage the GrantForward home page Search GrantForward funding via Quick Search and Advanced Search Save searches and create alerts on GrantForward Claim and search profiles on GrantForward
ABOUT PIVOT PIVOT (formerly COS) maintains a database of grants, fellowships, and other funding information from public and private, domestic and international sources—for science, social sciences, humanities, and community outreach funding. Find funding opportunities and further your research using Baylor’s institutional subscription to Pivot. If you are already a COS user, log in to to claim your profile. If you're a new user, create your profile to set up your personalized funding searches
ABOUT PIVOT Pivot gives researchers the ability to identify and connect with funding opportunities and with other researchers—locally and globally. It combines the most comprehensive, editorially maintained database of funding opportunities worth an estimated $33 billion with a unique database of 3 million scholar profiles—and growing
ACCESSING PIVOT To create a Pivot account, go to https.// PIVOT guide:
CREATING YOUR PIVOT ACCOUNT Click on the black box above or view video here:
CLAIMING YOUR PIVOT PROFILE Click on the black box above or view video here:
PIVOT FUNDING QUICK SEARCH Click on the black box above or view video here:
PIVOT FUNDING ADVANCED SEARCH Click on the black box above or view video here:
PIVOT FUNDING SETTING ALERTS Click on the black box above or view video here:
SEARCHING PIVOT PROFILES Click on the black box above or view video here:
GRANTFORWARD.COM University Development and the Baylor Libraries have purchased a subscription for Baylor faculty Login will be found on the library homepage, Development webpage, and the Office for Research Advancement’s external funding searches webpage
GRANTFORWARD Click on the black box above or view video here:
CREATING AN ACCOUNT FOR GRANTFORWARD Go to homepage Click “sign up” at top right-hand corner. Pick “Institutional Account.” Put in your Baylor email, first and last name. Create a password. Choose Baylor from drop down file. Click “Create my Account.” Go to your Baylor email and follow the confirmation link.
GRANTFORWARD: CREATING PROFILE Click on the black box above or view video here:
GRANTFORWARD QUICK SEARCH Click on the black box above or view video here:
GRANTFORWARD: SAVING SEARCH Click on the black box above or view video here:
GRANTFORWARD SETTING ALERTS Click on the black box above or view video here:
GRANTFORWARD: ADVANCED SEARCH FILTERS Click on the black box above or view video here:
ORCID ORCID: Open Researcher Contributor Identification Initiative ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. Guide to completing your ORCID profile to make sure your work is linked to your ORCID ID:
USING ORCID Click on the black box above or view video here:
OFFICE OF RESEARCH ADVANCEMENT Office of Research Advancement (ORA) reports to the Vice Provost for Research. We are located on the 2nd floor of the BRIC in room 2281. Contact information for the ORA: Dr. Stacey L. Smith, Director of Research Advancement 254-710-3252 Dr. Lynn Parks, Grant Editor 254-710-3757 Virginia Kearney, Grant Strategist 254-710-6833
ORA- FIND RESEARCH FUNDING Our office provides the following services: Conduct customized, targeted searches to help investigators locate funding sources for specific projects or lines of research Disseminate relevant information about external and internal funding opportunities tailored to investigators’ research interests Provide training on Pivot and other funding databases to identify potential research funders Provide educational outreach opportunities as well as school and community partnerships for Broader Impact activities Offer connections to external evaluators for grant proposals
ORA BOX BIO Updated CV Keyword search terms Brief description of research in layman’s terms Researcher website, if available
ORA- BUILD A RESEARCH TEAM Our office provides the following services: Identify and introduce potential internal and external collaborators to build an interdisciplinary research team Support the development of interdisciplinary research teams through hosting brainstorming sessions to identify interested collaborators, identifying the roles and responsibilities of each collaborator, and articulating shared visions Assist with partnerships for targeting human subjects research populations
ORA- BUILD A RESEARCH TEAM Identify outreach opportunities to address broader impacts criterion of federal funders Provide training on Pivot to identify inter- and intra-University scholars to identify potential collaborators Coordinate expert review of internal grant proposals to provide investigators with an experience similar to that of a federal proposal review panel Connect researchers to external evaluators for grant proposals
ORA- STRENGTHEN YOUR PROPOSAL Our office provides the following services: Review proposals to enhance the overall quality and competiveness of grant proposals submitted by Baylor investigators by providing feedback on issues such as logic, evidence, grammar, syntax, and formatting requirements Provide writing assistance for faculty for whom English is a second language Advise on the development of logic models, biographical sketches, and other supplementary documentation to ensure compliance with sponsor guidelines
ORA- STRENGTHEN YOUR PROPOSAL Assist in the development of lay abstracts to communicate research and findings to the public using non-jargon terminology Facilitate grant writing seminars and host the proposal development award
ORA- EXPLORE RESOURCES Our office provides the following services: Access to internal and external resources for proposal development. Examples: Resources and Templates by Funding Agent (e.g., NSF, NIH, IES, HRSA, EPA) Successfully-Funded Grant Examples Templates for Letters of Support/Collaboration Resources for Developing Lay Summaries, Logic Models, and Theories of Change Boilerplate Language Overall Proposal Writing Tips and Resources
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